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View Full Version : Help with REminiscence

July 14th, 2006, 00:19
How do I take the binary and source codes and burn them into a working disc with Discjuggler?

I hate to bother everyone with such a stupid question, but I have burned many things and only Neo4all and REminiscence are giving me problems


July 14th, 2006, 00:29
how do you create a thread???

July 15th, 2006, 23:49
At first you only need the binary and not the source code (that's for coders only).

The engine looks for the original Flashback files in /Data/. Just copy the content of the /Data/ folder from your DOS version to /Data/ and it should work.

how do you create a thread???

There's a button on the upper-left on the screen once your are browsing a subforum ;)

July 16th, 2006, 17:46
I am sorry to be so unknowledgable....I have the DOS data files in a "/Data/" folder along with the renamed Amiga sound files and my unzipped Reminiscence Binary Files, and have ip.bin (which I downloaded from the dchomebrew Self Boot Help page

However, when I go to use selfboot to create a .cdi image, it says that the file ip.bin cannot be found in the folder. What am i doing wrong?

HELP ME...I have all the files and am so close to being able to play this game!

July 17th, 2006, 13:58
I am sorry to be so unknowledgable....I have the DOS data files in a "/Data/" folder along with the renamed Amiga sound files and my unzipped Reminiscence Binary Files, and have ip.bin (which I downloaded from the dchomebrew Self Boot Help page

However, when I go to use selfboot to create a .cdi image, it says that the file ip.bin cannot be found in the folder. What am i doing wrong?

Hm, don't really know, just guessing here.

Let's start from the beginning:

Create a folder /Remi/ in C:/BootDreams/. Create a /Data/ folder in C:/BootDreams/Remi/.

Download the plain files here:

Copy the 1st_read.bin to C:/BootDreams/Remi/.

You don't need an IP.BIN file as BootDreams will create one for you :)

Copy the content of the /Data/ folder from your DOS version to C:/BootDreams/Remi/Data/.

Start BootDreams and point it to C:/BootDreams/Remi/.