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View Full Version : Sonic the Hedgehog 4 and the forth platform - uncovered

February 5th, 2010, 23:53
On Kotaku, some readers there (http://kotaku.com/5465438/sonic-the-hedgehog-4-has-a-secret-platform-its-the-iphone) have found it the Sonic 4 will heading to the iPhone. Here's a quote from one of them with an image as well:


It's iphone. We figured this out in the comments of the first Sonic 4 article because it was hidden on the website as an image called "promo" or something and then was pulled down.

*types sonic into the smart bar thing*


Yeah, that was the original images location. This is what it looked like.

So there you have, it's set for the iPhone. Note that old Sega has either pulled the image from the site or changed the url as the link doesn't point to it anymore. Anyway, thoughts anyone?

February 8th, 2010, 14:40
UMD for PSP would be nice.