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February 7th, 2010, 22:20
http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/2009/07/custom_1248626904412_checklist1.jpgEach week throws off several new video game lists ranging from the humorous to the trivial. What's better? A list of those. Here's a roundup of the rundowns out there.
•The 50 Greatest Gaming World Records (http://www.gamesradar.com/f/the-50-greatest-gaming-world-records/a-20100204163559141033) [Games Radar] When I was nine I decided I would set the world record on Atari 2600 Defender. (The reverse in that game was a great way to slow things down when you had too many enemies on your ass. I used it repeatedly.) I rolled the score twice and then realized the polaroids of a screen rolled twice are indistinguishable from ones rolled once. Or even three or eight times. Plus I didn't even know what the record was. So I gave up. That's the only thing keeping me off this list.
http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/9/2010/02/500x_top5.jpg (http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/9/2010/02/top5.jpg)•The 25 Worst Video Game Stock Photos (http://www.gamespy.com/articles/106/1066150p1.html) [GameSpy] This is a common complaint, and despite that, stock photos of people playing games still suck, if not insult the intelligence. Maybe it's because actually playing a game is just not that dynamic of an activity. GameSpy has 25 of the most egregious depictions.
•10 Games You'll Miss for First-Gen Xbox Live (http://technologizer.com/2010/02/05/10-games-youll-miss-for-first-gen-xbox-live/) [Technologizer] Luke got this discussion started last week (http://kotaku.com/5464855/we-shall-mourn-the-following-xbox-live-originals) after Microsoft announced it was ending online support for its console. Here's another writer's list. I absolutely forgot about TimeSplitters: Future Perfect. I really did enjoy that game. Crecente sent it to me back when I was going through a rough patch in 2005. Very good memories.
http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/9/2010/02/thumb160x_trackhavestarted.jpg•"Sorry, I'm Dead": 30 Most Memorable Video Game Quotes (http://blogs.ocweekly.com/heardmentality/video-games---humor/most-memorable-video-game-quot/) [OC Weekly] Lots of old standbys here, from "A winner is you," to "All your base." While Duke Nukem's kick-ass/chew-bubblegum/out-of-the-latter delivery is indeed iconic, everyone knows Rowdy Roddy Piper said it first in They Live.
•10 Games of the 90s That Have Aged Well (http://www.thekartel.com/darklordzor/blog/2010/02/05/10_games_of_the_90s_that_have_aged_well) [Site] The Kartel started this subject last week (http://kotaku.com/5460780/kotakus-top-5-list-of-top-10-lists) with seven games from the 2000s that have aged well. Now they move back a decade, to the 1990s. Counter Strike, Starcraft, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VII, Street Fighter II, all very good choices.

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