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View Full Version : MoonShell Ver1.33 Released

July 15th, 2006, 13:24
Moonlight (http://mdxonline.dyndns.org/archives/nds/) has released a new version of his Multimedia playing app and much more for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:

The Japanese font like LC was added to CP932-2.
An accurate Chinese font by czw was added to CP950 (big5). (Thanks czw!)
The main body of NDSROM is the same as Ver1.32.

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August 2nd, 2006, 23:38
How does it work!

August 5th, 2006, 09:22
How does it work!

Dude, I know how you feel! :eek:

August 10th, 2006, 14:41
How does it work you ask? i am using Max Media Dock. so i simply double click setup and choose the drive my Max Media Dock is registered as. aah of course. you do not understand cause you don't even have any homebrew supported accesory for your DS Right? you don't even know why you're at this site!

August 10th, 2006, 18:11
How does it work you ask? i am using Max Media Dock. so i simply double click setup and choose the drive my Max Media Dock is registered as. aah of course. you do not understand cause you don't even have any homebrew supported accesory for your DS Right? you don't even know why you're at this site!
Settle down.
People using the Ford Pinto of 'flashcarts' shouldn't throw stones.