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View Full Version : 1.5 proof of concept Unflasher,

July 16th, 2006, 09:45
I found this on one of my regular visits to irc,
Inside the readme is no Address to a source page.
But this is the proof of concept (unflasher) By a Coder known as Slasher, I cant be certian if this is our slasher we have at Dcemu or an unrelated slasher. But none the less. I must warn you. As with all apps that flash your psp firmware you run the risk of bricking your psp by useing this!!!
Here is what the readme had to say..

This program is meant to 'Unflash' your POC Firmware recently released by DarK_AleX.

Just simply run the program, and it will undo any changes that the POC firmware did.

This software is a use at your own risk program. Writing to the flash is always dangerous, and although this program has been tested and confirmed working, the author takes no responsibility if you happen to brick your psp. Use at your own risk!
- Slasher

Well thats all there is to say about this, Again Though, Remember by downloading and useing this app you run the risk of bricking your psp!!

Download and Use this At your very own Risk, Leave feedback Via Comments Below

Uruz 6
July 16th, 2006, 09:49
Nah I'll stick to my custom firmware, no reason to go back.

July 16th, 2006, 09:52
ok now wre talking i just used the custom fw mod released ealier and it went great no probs and i kinda reflashed it again bc i made a mistak and forgot to diable the sce logo and in doing this it messed it all up now the 1.00 eboots that i used after doing it the first time that worked didnt work any more so i might give this a try an get back to you but im really goona think this through first so if i do wish me luck lmao

EDIT: ok whats the flash recovery folders and the elf file for do i need thos on the memory stick to or just the pocunflasher folders

July 16th, 2006, 10:04
just like what Uruz 6 said, theres no reason to go back to sony firmware now...:)

July 16th, 2006, 10:11
yeh the custom fw kicks @$$, no more sony logo and DH runs on start up, freakin sweeeeet :D

July 16th, 2006, 10:11
to put it quite simply..yup yup oh and btw where can i get this custom fw? i haven't been keeping up recently...

July 16th, 2006, 10:13

OK everyone, its obvious that custom firmware is definitely a huge breakthrough with almost endless possibilities. However I remember reading on these forums a while back that the PSP has an alleged FLASH LIMIT. Something like 1000 times.

This limit was suggested to be a security measure by SONY. And they probably figured there would never bee 1000 different firmware updates. This REALLY sounds like one of those "myths" that go around.

Does anyone know of the likelyhood of such a limitation? Because if custom firmwares are constantly released or you are constantly flashing the PSP to add/edit/remove/modify features, a limit could become a problem.

I myself am skeptical but it would be nice to know for certain. If anyone knows more about this, please share your thoughts. Thanks in advance!

July 16th, 2006, 10:15
yea but 1000 times would neva be reached so that's another mistake sony probably made...they'll shoot themselves in the foot probably updating the firmware 1000 times coz we keep kicking there security up the arse :D

July 16th, 2006, 10:17
i was just thinking about this before
but i doubt anyone would flash over 1000 times ive done about 20

July 16th, 2006, 10:18
to put it quite simply..yup yup oh and btw where can i get this custom fw? i haven't been keeping up recently...
here u go http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=29155

July 16th, 2006, 10:19
cheers...this community is going to BOOM! over the summer and i can't wait...what will be intresting in the future when all those other people buying psp firmware 3.x whateva we'll be laughing in their face...omg wait what about homebrew community FOR THE PSP2!?!?!?!?!!?? that will be greaaaaat

July 16th, 2006, 10:21
anytime :D

July 16th, 2006, 10:22

OK everyone, its obvious that custom firmware is definitely a huge breakthrough with almost endless possibilities. However I remember reading on these forums a while back that the PSP has an alleged FLASH LIMIT. Something like 1000 times.

This limit was suggested to be a security measure by SONY. And they probably figured there would never bee 1000 different firmware updates. This REALLY sounds like one of those "myths" that go around.

Does anyone know of the likelyhood of such a limitation? Because if custom firmwares are constantly released or you are constantly flashing the PSP to add/edit/remove/modify features, a limit could become a problem.

I myself am skeptical but it would be nice to know for certain. If anyone knows more about this, please share your thoughts. Thanks in advance!

No its not a myth, and 1000 is a very positive outlook on things, Picture your internal flash memory like and electronic film You can write to it many times, But in time with much use its integrity starts to break down, So yes flashing your psp over and over and over again, Can indeed put wear on this flash memory, SO its best to only update as you personally feel it necessary , and know that there is no real built in limit to how many times you can flash your psp, 1000 times was just a general estimation, compared to how many times the experts figured you could successfully flash your psp before imminent breakdown and wear corrupted your flash memory.
So its best that people keep this in mind before they get all flash happy and know the risks of flashing,

July 16th, 2006, 10:23
ok i tryed this since i screwed up my custom fw by doing a retared reflash so anyway i ran the prgram and from the looks of it it works no brick soo yeah success

EDIT: ok i reflashed the custom firmware and it works the poc remover works a o k it fixed my problem

July 16th, 2006, 10:30
well there's always the UP chip if someone gets "flash happy" as SP said...i only flashed my baby 3 times, 2 for downgraders and 1 for the custom fw(so far :D)

Uruz 6
July 16th, 2006, 10:33
I'm happy for you tophead420;
Anyway I don't think we'll reach the flash limit anytime soon (you say around 1000 but really I've done it 5-6 times).

July 16th, 2006, 10:39
I'm happy for you tophead420;
Anyway I don't think we'll reach the flash limit anytime soon (you say around 1000 but really I've done it 5-6 times).

If im not mistaken, Your internal flash memory is made out of a similar material as your memsticks,
Or psone/ps3 memory cards. So people shouldn't assume a couple flashes are going to wear them out,
Its just advised that people understand that flash memory is not (incorruptible) it is much more delicate then standard random access memory.:cool:

July 16th, 2006, 10:54
well hopefully that is one of my last flashes for a while and iv olny done like 4 flashs so im cool and yeah thanks Uraz 6

Uruz 6
July 16th, 2006, 10:56
Just wanted to point out that, if you don't do reckless things, reaching the physical limit of the flash is REALLY hard.

July 16th, 2006, 11:15
There's something else that many of us are forgetting, by simply changing the wallpapers on our 1.5 psp we're also writing on the flash memory so keep that in mind.

Uruz 6
July 16th, 2006, 11:24
I've never used wallpaper in 1.50 but I guess I won't be needing anything of the sort for a long time since right now I combined the autoboot feature of the custom 1.50 with Ir Shell so I don't really use the 1.50 XMB anymore. Guess the only custom wallpaper I use is the one in DevHook but that one really doesn't matter.. and to think a week ago I wouldn't have even dreamed such things.. :)

July 16th, 2006, 12:12
Just wanted to point out that, if you don't do reckless things, reaching the physical limit of the flash is REALLY hard.

yeah i agree reaching 1000 flashes is like almost slim an none the psp would probably breakdown before you reached 100 flashs :p

July 16th, 2006, 13:56
Well doesn't DevHook also write into flash? That would mean that anytime you'r battery goes down or anytime you'd like to switch between browser and homebrew, your flash suffers. And I imagine that there are many people who do that alot of times.

Uruz 6
July 16th, 2006, 14:17
DevHook doesn't write to the flash in fact it's called Firmware Emulator anyway if somebody who's more expert could answer this..

July 16th, 2006, 14:35
the reason it doesnt write to the flash is because the emulated firmware stays in the RAM. thats why u cant use user cheats in GTA cheat device with devhook :)
(and why when you reboot your psp its 1.5 again)

July 16th, 2006, 15:27
the reason it doesnt write to the flash is because the emulated firmware stays in the RAM. thats why u cant use user cheats in GTA cheat device with devhook :)
(and why when you reboot your psp its 1.5 again)


July 16th, 2006, 18:50
so what/where is this custom firmware?? i have not even heard of this till just now! crazy... i guess i should be keeping up on the scene more better.

July 16th, 2006, 18:54
ive used the gta cheat device while using devhook but u cant use it when u emulate 2.71 because sony fixed that in 2.7

July 16th, 2006, 19:03
what if you want to play newer games that require higher firmwares?

July 16th, 2006, 19:36
No games require a firmware higher than 2.71, because there is no newer firmware. So Devhook is able to emulate all 2.71 games as far as I know. =p

July 17th, 2006, 13:27
ive used the gta cheat device while using devhook but u cant use it when u emulate 2.71 because sony fixed that in 2.7

you can use cheatdevice with devhook. u just cant use "user cheats" (custom cheats) because all the ram is used by devhook :)