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View Full Version : PlayStation 3 controller used for N900 gaming

February 14th, 2010, 12:39

Is the N900 the most hacker-friendly phone ever created? All sources are pointing to "yes." Just two short months ago, we saw one determined code monkey turn his N900 into a PS3 controller; today, we're looking at someone who did the exact opposite. If you've memorized the Debian source code and aren't afraid to dabble in the wild and murky world of N900 modding, you too can one day use a spare SIXAXIS controller in order to dictate gameplay on your Nokia handset. All the instructions you need are there in the source link, and for everyone else just looking to have a watch from the sidelines, hop on past the break and mash play.


February 14th, 2010, 20:42
That's cool, because the SIXAXIS is connected the same way as connected to the PS3 (Bluetooth).

If I didn't dislike Nokia, I would possibly own one to do that in hopes that there is a SNES emu also. :cool: