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View Full Version : Poll: PS3 more desirous than Wii in Japan

July 18th, 2006, 18:45
In an act of poll balance and contrary to a recent Famitsu poll, the PS3 is more popular than Wii according to a recent Amazon Japan poll. PunchJump writes: "The overseas retail division of Amazon.com has published a graph that represents customer interest in each platform, with the 60GB PS3 edging out the Wii. The 20GB PS3 was the least popular among customers."

Add the two PS3 editions together, and sales-wise, the PS3 should outsell Wii by about 33% if the Amazon Japan pollsters are correct. Does a lack of a 360 option mean that Microsoft's console isn't even on the radar anymore?

July 19th, 2006, 13:35
the only reason i'm getting the wii before the ps3 is because i'm waiting for a ps3 price drop :(

July 19th, 2006, 14:53
Famitsu is for die-hard gamers. Amazon Japan's far from mainstream. Both cater to distinct niches and I wouldn't trust either to present a representative view.

But, look at the DS popularity, and use a little common sense, and you really don't need any polls to make an educated prediction on what the average citizen will most likely be excited about. (;_;)