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View Full Version : Kitase "really interested" in FFVII remake

February 16th, 2010, 19:06
Asked yet again what he'd think about remaking PSone classic Final Fantasy VII, Square Enix's Yoshinori Kitase - producer of FFXIII and director of FFVII back in the day - has said he'd be "really interested" in such a project.

"I'm really interested to see this more complete form of Final Fantasy VII portrayed more realistically with the voice and animation and all the subtle expressions there," he told GameTrailers (via VG247).

"I'd be interested to see that and to make that, it would be a great experience. I don't get tired of people asking that question," Kitase added, apparently without sarcasm, "so I'll continue to answer my thoughts as long as people keep asking."


February 17th, 2010, 01:06
FFVII isn't one of those games that people remember playing as a kid but play now and ruin the memory by realising it's a load of crap, PSN sales show this can easily stand up against modern games, and with the games Squeenix have been squeezing out lately they just couldn't resist throwing in features from newer FF games and you can guarantee it just won't be as good, people see FFVII as like the peak of the Squeenix tree so a remake could easily spoil their reputation and memory of the original.

February 17th, 2010, 19:48
I think it could work as long as the only changes they make are updating the graphics (with an option for the original lego block characters for nostalgia) and adding in the ability to revive Aeirith (since they wanted to put it in originally but didn't have time due to deadlines)

February 17th, 2010, 21:41
They'll never be able to just stop at giving it hd graphics because it's like admitting nothing they done the last 13 years can match FFVII, they'll want to improve graphics, update the soundtrack, expand the story and give it a newer control system.

February 18th, 2010, 04:58
They'll never be able to just stop at giving it hd graphics because it's like admitting nothing they done the last 13 years can match FFVII, they'll want to improve graphics, update the soundtrack, expand the story and give it a newer control system.

i'd be....alright with them expanding the story to include bits from crisis core, last order, and before crisis.

the control system....doesnt need changing, just making sure it lines up right (O - cancel ^ - menu X - accept)

the soundtrack could borrow from the "album" on ocremix "voices of the lifestream"

graphics..well thats a given, needs updating

but then again, people have been talking about remaking this since the PS2 came out
and even more since the infamous "PS3 FFVII tech demo"

February 18th, 2010, 05:48
There was an intro video to FFVII, to the style of the animated Aeris of the Advent Children movie which hyped the speculation to a PS3 remake with the PS3 also being released in 2006.

I think that Square would be wise to remake all of the games from the PlayStation (VII-IX), skipping the PlayStation 2 and spark the interest of newer gamers to the older games in the series like they did with the first four titles. Because they know that there is a solid interest within the older games within the series, which now look dated. I love playing FFVII, but the graphics became greatly outdated by FFIX and continue to age with the new generation of high definition gaming. The possibilities are endless with a remake, plus only one disc and 25GB to fill. :cool: