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View Full Version : TSA To Start Swabbing Travelers' Hands Looking for Explosives [Security]

February 17th, 2010, 17:20
http://cache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/4/2010/02/500x_airport-security.jpgAnd you thought taking your shoes off was annoying! In the TSA's never-ending quest to make traveling possibly safer and definitely more annoying, they're going to start randomly swabbing passengers' hands at airport checkpoints.
Really, this makes a hell of a lot more sense than the shoe-checking and liquid-limiting that makes traveling such a pain in the ass now. In fact, if they let me keep my shoes on and carry a cup of coffee through security, they could swab my hands to their heart's content. And the experts seem to think it's a smart idea:

Security experts consulted by CNN said swabbing hands is a good move, and privacy advocates said they support the new swabbing protocols, provided the agency tests only for security-related objects and does not discriminate when it selects people to be tested.
It's a "very good idea," said security expert Tony Fainberg. TSA screeners currently swab luggage handles and parts of bags that are likely be contaminated by human hands, he said, and swabbing a person's hands increases the chances of finding explosive materials. "Looking at the hands means you will probably get a better dose," he said.
So to sum up: more security, but smarter. It'll probably cause some more delays at airport security (http://gizmodo.com/tag/airportsecurity/) lines, but it's tough to argue with the logic of searching for people with explosive residues on their hands. [CNN (http://www.cnn.com/2010/TRAVEL/02/17/tsa.hands.swabbing/index.html)]

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