View Full Version : PSPanel De Pon ...AKA Tetris Attack

July 20th, 2006, 14:47
db26 has released an excellent looking Tetris Attack game for the PSP, heres the details:

Not my first time working with C, but my first time working with anything on the PSP, besides a short Pong demo I put together before this release. (Which I obviously didn't release because I think we have way more than enough enough Pong ports.) It's not exactly completed yet, but it's definitely in a state where it can be released now. The only real issue with the gameplay is that chains are not currently counted into scores. But, that should change soon. I will be on vacation for the next four days, so I decided to realease it a bit pre-maturely. The graphics are a bit basic in many aspects, but the project was thrown together for a quick release.

Current issues:
Chains are not counted yet.
Blocks don't stop rising while blocks are matched but not yet deleted.
Other blocks can be added to combos before deletion of already made matches.

What's to come:
Better score-keeping. (currently only stores high scores... Not names.)
Skins/Themes during game progression.
Different Modes of gameplay. (currently only "Endless Mode")
Flashier graphics.
Optimization. (it hasn't seemed to matter yet, but I haven't used pointers at all except for fading in the intro. This is "Java laziness" getting to me...)
Vs. Mode? (maybe if I'm feeling ambitions)

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via db26 (http://forums.qj.net/showthread.php?t=60815)

July 20th, 2006, 15:29
Sweet...I love Tetris Attack...