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View Full Version : PalmMAME 0.17.4 released

July 20th, 2006, 17:56
palmerouy (http://www.emuboards.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=27187) posted this news:

New release of the best Mame emulator ever made by Vilmos. (quote from http://www.pocketdimension.com forums) Alpha means it is mostly untested, very little documentation and it may crash your palm! What's New from version 17?
- Reduced memory usage. The loader can be in ram or SD card. The modules MUST be on SD card.
- Fixed Joust.
- Started to update loader. I haven't finished that yet, but you can enjoy the changes so far.
- Fixed rotation cutting off screen
- Note: Program startup and Searching for ROMS will now just blank the screen for a bit. That's normal and for searching it can feel like a long time, just let it go.
- Added Zodiac hardware acceleration and screen stretching (don't choose scale if you have a Zodiac, it is already on)
- Added more error checking and reporting in loader
- Reduced memory usage of loader
- Fixed some misc loader bugs

Download HERE (http://www.pocketdimension.com/PD2_DL/PalmMAME_017.4.zip)