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View Full Version : "Wii console save memory is corrupted" on settings screen

March 1st, 2010, 21:35
Hello there.

I'm experiencing some problems with my Wii right now. As the title hopefully suggests, when I go to the Wii Settings, it says: "Wii console save memory is corrupted". I can't get the Shop Channel to work either.

I suppose I have the last version of the system menu. I installed it with a New Super Mario Bros Wii disc someone lent me. The problem probably comes from when I did that, because I don't remember checking back on the settings screen since then. I don't play often.

Looking online, it doesn't seem to be a semi-brick nor a complete brick... I can play games. Only the shop channel won't work correctly and I can't access the settings. But when I check the Wii Save Data and channels, everything seems to be OK... So my internal memory can't be all that f'ed up... right?

Sometimes when I try to power the console on, it gets stuck on the warning screen... But I always get it to to work by turning it on and off. After a while it doesn't do it anymore.

I have the homebrew channel installed from the Twillight Hack from a while ago.

So yeah... I don't know if I'm gonna do anything about it but I'd like to have a diagnostic from you guys if possible. I never installed anything other than the homebrew channel. No CIOS or backup loader or crap like that - I only tried out some homebrew but I didn't even use the channel that much.

Nintendo wants to charge me $75 for repairs (I bought it the week it came out) and there's no way I'm gonna pay for that, so I'm just wondering if I'm gonna have to live without Mega Man 10 (since I can't access the Shop Channel) or if there's still a way I might be able to fix this. Or actually, just fix the shop channel so I can buy MM10. At this point I don't really care about the settings. I wanna play the game. :(

Thanks in advance.

August 12th, 2010, 07:48

Hey, it's been a while since I posted this and I just remembered I did, since I want to play my Wii again and still can't go to the shop channel or the options screen because they're scrapped for some reason (as I stated in my first post).

Now, though, I know that a new firmware came out. I know it deletes the homebrew channel but at that point I really don't care. I just want to know if there was a way to install it using the back door - I mean not having to go by the settings or update via the net because it doesn't work at all.

Really, if anyone could only tell me about some games that come packed with this update so I could try and see what it does if I try to install it, I'd already be happy.

Thanks a bunch,
