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View Full Version : Spidey DS screens caught on web

July 21st, 2006, 21:25
Following Activision's announcement earlier this week that a brand new Spider-Man titles is currently in development for Nintendo's DS and GBA, titled Spider-Man: Battle for New York, the publisher has splashed a bunch of new shots across the 'net for your viewing pleasure.

Battle for New York sees you donning the lycra as Spider-Man to defeat the nefarious Green Goblin as he rampages through the city - alternatively, you can adopt your nemesis' guise and go on a quest to destroy New York. With the focus squarely on action (with a bit of RPG ability tinkering thrown in for good measure), Battle for New York on DS also throws in some mini-games as well as multiplayer battling.

Both versions of Spider-Man: Battle for New York are set for release at some currently undisclosed point in the future.

Screens Here (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=143255)