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December 21st, 2004, 17:39
News from Bluecrab about his progress of his Saturn emulator for the Dreamcast.[br][br]I've finally gotten around to working on Yabause-dc again, and have some screenshots to share with everyone (taken from the 0.0.7 release codebase): That's it for now, a release may come either around Christmas, or sometime early in January, it all depends on when everything looks right (i.e. fixing the missing cubes in the bios menu).[br][br]Screenshots over at this DCEmulation Forum Topic (http://www.dcemulation.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=60693)

December 22nd, 2004, 08:39
this emu is simple amazing :P

December 22nd, 2004, 08:50
awwh the idea of playing Guardian heroes on the DC (4player) just makes me cream myself!

December 22nd, 2004, 08:55
Heh, one day we might be able to play games in yabause-dc, but not yet. One day the support will be there. One day.

December 22nd, 2004, 13:13
nights on the DC is what gets me most.

January 4th, 2005, 09:59
ok I got a problem.... I got the new version of yabuse dc but I don't know how to make it into an image to burn to disc in order use it. anybody have any ideas/revelations on this. A Noobs nightmare.

January 5th, 2005, 07:20
Okay, in order to burn an image of it you'll need to find the 1ST_READ.BIN file in the archive. Use whatever is your favorite selfboot program (such as this one: http://www.dcemulation.com/dl/dl.php3?url=files/needed/Selfboot.exe ) and follow the instructions in the program. You'll also need a saturn BIOS rom (which we can't help you find, because distrobution of it is illegal) in the root of the cd named "saturn.bin". Once again, follow the directions that come with the selfboot program you use, each is different.

That's the best advice I can give, other than following the directions on Marcus' site for making a selfboot disc under *nix: ( http://mc.pp.se/dc/cdr.html ) (This is how I make my own discs for my use.)

January 5th, 2005, 10:21
thanks for responding bluecrab. ok I understand about getting the bios rom. now regarding the 1st read bin. should I leave that where it is or do I have to move it? also the bios should be in the yabuse_dc folder(root) right? I know it sounds like you said this but I want to get this right. Also, thank you for coming out with this emu because I had hoped for so long after my saturn had gone on the fritz that something could be done for it. I know it's not completed but the sense that something wonderful has come from it makes me happy.

January 5th, 2005, 13:39
The BIOS should be in the root directory, and regarding 1ST_READ.BIN, it should be in the same directory as the BIOS image.

I hope you enjoy yabause-dc, but keep in mind, it is nowhere near complete, and is quite slow at the moment.

January 6th, 2005, 17:46
hi again. I got the bios and no I won't give it out where I got it out of respect (to those who ask, do what I did... look for it) anyway I'm having another problem. I need to create an Ip.bin and the second site you gave told me where to get an IP Creator but.... I don't know how to make it (the details on the site were vague). if you have used this method could you share on this wisdom? I'm sort of programming challenged. (for now at least) Appreciate any input on this and no problem about yabuse being slow as long as I can try it.

January 7th, 2005, 12:46
So, you're trying out the good old hard method... Good for you! :)

Anyway, you should just be able to grab a IP.BIN file from any other dreamcast homebrew release and use it, or, alternatively, you could use the IP.BIN replacement from here: http://www.boob.co.uk/files/ipfull.tgz

You won't have to worry about modifying the IP.BIN file as its gonna boot 1ST_READ.BIN (like you want it to) by default

January 8th, 2005, 08:19
Actually i'm wetting myslef in anticipation, actually not literally, but I am rather excited about this project. If you dont mind me askin BC where do you think this emu will be this time next year?

January 8th, 2005, 21:52
Actually i'm wetting myslef in anticipation, actually not literally, but I am rather excited about this project. If you dont mind me askin BC where do you think this emu will be this time next year?
Well, that all depends on how far yabause itself gets, and how much free time I have. I don't know how much time I will have as I begin my venture into college, so, I can't make any valid predictions.

January 11th, 2005, 15:55
Fair enough. you have spawned some pretty cool stuff BC. You're the sole reason i got to play the greenhill zone in sonic adventure 2! tinku.

February 14th, 2005, 16:13
finally got this to run via sbi but i think i did was working but i did not realise how lng you have to while before you more than a black screen (over a min).

it was cool that the "this disk is unreadable" and "cd lid open" and when i put my pal saturn games in (but useing a US sat bios) it says " Game disk is unreadable" very cool.... now all i need is a pal bios ;)

February 14th, 2005, 19:26
nights on the DC is what gets me most.
One letter off what the thought of running Nights on a DC does to me ;)

October 31st, 2006, 00:22
hey, i am very much looking for a good release of Yabuse DC :D

i know it sbeen a long time, i just like to know how are things going and i really like to see this working.

im sure there must be some way now for you to get htis project somewhere again :D

maybe u can collabriate with other coders and see what can be done perhaps? like SSF? maybe u can 'borrow' the source code or somehting?

sorry if i sounded rude or anything, i do apologize.

anyone? i sure do like to play Sonic R on my DC :D

October 31st, 2006, 00:25
hey, i am very much looking for a good release of Yabuse DC :D

i know it sbeen a long time, i just like to know how are things going and i really like to see this working.

im sure there must be some way now for you to get htis project somewhere again :D

maybe u can collabriate with other coders and see what can be done perhaps? like SSF? maybe u can 'borrow' the source code or somehting?

sorry if i sounded rude or anything, i do apologize.

anyone? i sure do like to play Sonic R on my DC :D

This emulator was discontinued. At the moment, it only runs the bios very very slow

October 31st, 2006, 00:26
This thread is older than the internet. :/

October 31st, 2006, 00:30

im sorry if i brang it up, but i remembered this emu from 2 years ago, and i really liked to see how it was going, but i see nothing much has changes, despite all the posts BlueCrab was saying how it will boot games very soon. thus i was really hoping and waiting htat will happen.

and so i was wondering why did he discontinued it? and is it possible to bring it again? maybe with the helps of u guys perhaps? :D

October 31st, 2006, 03:10
This emulator was discontinued. At the moment, it only runs the bios very very slowWhen did I discontinue Yabause-DC, because I certainly don't remember it.

Right now, I'm really busy with real life, so I don't have much programming time at all. What time I do have has been split between DCRPG and CrabEmu lately...

October 31st, 2006, 23:27
ahhh i see....

i knew it wasnt discontinued at all! but thats good to hear anyways.

but i am sorry to hear that ur life has become quite busy. i really wish there was a way to get back onto Yabuse DC. maybe donations might help?

and i hope u dont mind me asking, wat is DCRPG and CrabEmu?

November 1st, 2006, 05:55
ahhh i see....

i knew it wasnt discontinued at all! but thats good to hear anyways.

but i am sorry to hear that ur life has become quite busy. i really wish there was a way to get back onto Yabuse DC. maybe donations might help?

and i hope u dont mind me asking, wat is DCRPG and CrabEmu?Dontations, while appreciated, probably won't get me to work on Yabause-DC any more right away. When I get time, I'll work on it, that's about all there is to it....

As for DCRPG and CrabEmu....
DCRPG is a multi-platform MMORPG in progress. Right now, it runs on Dreamcast, Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows, with other ports possible in the future. Its website is: http://dcrpg.ljsdcdev.net/

CrabEmu is a Sega Master System emulator for Mac OS X. This was kinda a project to teach me how to write an emulator, and its turned out fairly decent, actually. Eventually, I'd like to port CrabEmu to other targets, but right now (while its still in its initial stages), I'm sticking to Mac OS X. Its website is: http://crabemu.sourceforge.net/

November 1st, 2006, 14:40
ohh i see.

may i ask, possibly if Yabuse DC is open source? then probably u can give it to someone who can help carry it on or something.

November 1st, 2006, 20:21
Yabause is open source, yes. And the code to the last released version of Yabause-DC should be in the Yabause codebase, if not, its on one of my websites.

It doesn't compile anymore though, probably, and if it does, it certainly doesn't work properly. (The updated Yabause codebase on the Dreamcast that is.)

November 2nd, 2006, 11:54
oh right. thats good then.

does anyone here might like to take on the project perhaps?

November 5th, 2006, 18:09
This emulator was discontinued. At the moment, it only runs the bios very very slow

not only the bios, games also runs. i tested castlevania, it works, but ****ing slowly... :(

November 5th, 2006, 18:33
I don't care how freaking slow it runs but if it runs nights, would not have an pants left at all cause i'd wet them all.

November 7th, 2006, 12:22
then we shall get this show on the road.

shall we create a new thread awaring people here that they can pick up the source (which we can link to) and say 'hey its not discontinued afterall!, this would be a great oppunity for those who liek to play sonic and Nights on their dreamcast!'

November 12th, 2006, 18:54
hey everyone.

how are you all? hope u lot are doing fine and everything.

as we all know a new release of SSF has came out, as from what i know, it is more updated frequently. but may i ask does anyone know how frequently updated is the Yabuse emu?

and i hope u lot dont mind me saying this, which one is the better out of the two? not saying this in the wrong way.

November 12th, 2006, 22:23
i'm fairly sure that ssf is farther along, but it has been out longer (iirc). yabause is also the only working saturn emulator for mac or linux.

November 13th, 2006, 16:52

well i dont mean to be rude or anything, but because this is related to an actual Saturn emu for the dreamcast, is it possible to create another Saturn emu for hte Dreamcast but using the SFF source code?

more or less a SSF emu for the Dreamcast.


November 13th, 2006, 17:56
No. Even if so, it would be harder than yabause for DC. and afaik, ssf isn't open source.

November 13th, 2006, 18:54
if it was open source, then could it be a maybe at least?

November 14th, 2006, 17:28
I have this feeling that SSF probably uses assembly internally for at least some parts, so it wouldn't be very easy to port. If it used too much assembly, then it would be pretty much impossible to port without rewriting the entire thing from the ground up.

Yabause, on the other hand, is written entirely in C, so its reasonable to port.

November 17th, 2006, 12:32
having said that, is Yabuse at a stage near to SSF to wat it can do?

November 17th, 2006, 13:52
I have no idea honestly. I haven't used SSF any time in the recent past.

Yabause however, can do a pretty good job of emulating a Saturn though. There's a lot of stuff (at least partially) emulated in Yabause that I haven't seen any other Saturn emulator support (like, the MPEG card is partially emulated).

November 17th, 2006, 14:11
ahh i see then.

well BlueCrab, here is a link of the recent changes of SSF:


i really like the emulator, cause it existed for awhile, wen i assume back then nothing happened to it, now it came back, with much better updates coming so often.

and you can download it here:


hope this helps.

November 17th, 2006, 14:40
ahh i see then.

well BlueCrab, here is a link of the recent changes of SSF:


i really like the emulator, cause it existed for awhile, wen i assume back then nothing happened to it, now it came back, with much better updates coming so often.

and you can download it here:


hope this helps.

not saying it's not nice to get info, but realistically, if you want to see how they compare... compare them! Both are free for download, just download them both and see how they go!

November 17th, 2006, 15:07
well i did try, but i couldnt get Yabuse to work for me, plus i thought it would be cool to get it from a professional point of view sir.

hope thats ok.