View Full Version : Metareview - Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth

July 24th, 2006, 01:07
News via PSPFanboy (http://www.pspfanboy.com/2006/07/22/metareview-valkyrie-profile-lenneth/)

IGN was one of the first outlets out of the gate with a Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth review as they awarded it an Editor's Choice award, but now, more reviews have been pouring in. While this is another port, which some people don't seem to like, it seems like it's one of the best RPGs yet for our beloved PSP. However, that may not mean a whole lot since the PSP's RPG library is nothing to write home about. Will Lenneth change all that?

IGN (85/10) gets right to the point by saying it's "the best RPG that the PSP has received to date."
1UP (80/100) appreciates the change of pace Lenneth brings to the table. "As an originator, Valkyrie Profile is an inspired maverick in a field of me-too RPGs, beautiful to look at and exciting to play."
Gamespot (75/100) thinks it's a decent game, but only fans of the genre may have fun with it when they said, "A solid port of a one-of-a-kind role-playing game that is endlessly appealing to genre fans who are looking for something different, but it's a bit too dense for everyone else."
So there you have it. While Lenneth doesn't appear to be anything spectacular, it should offer someone itching for some RPGing on the go a lot of fun.

July 24th, 2006, 01:11
I agree this game is awsome i cant stop playing it.

July 24th, 2006, 01:32
I've never been really big into RPGs, but I do like this game.

July 24th, 2006, 02:45
Does this require a firmware update from 1.5 to play?

July 24th, 2006, 02:48
Does this require a firmware update from 1.5 to play?
You can use devhook the umd works for me great and im using the devhook .45 :D

July 24th, 2006, 02:57
sorry i know its off topic but where can i learn how to set pictures and animated icons to my post

July 24th, 2006, 03:05
i got this 3 days early here in the u.s. and ive been loving it never in the history of commercial psp games ...has the psp graced a work of art like this....gameplay is innovative and the story line is very captivating as well as the fact that the battle system allows you to attack with just one player at a time like classic rpg's but what makes this game really stand out as far as the battle system is the fact that you can actually choose to attack your opponent/s with all 4! of your charicters simultaniously!! or just 2 or 3 .....however you want! the cinematics!!!! i cant even begin to tell you! if ever there was a PERFECT 10 for a game on the psp!!! this is it!!!



for some pics of this amazing game head on over to the shadow prophet RPG sub domain here RPG News - shadow prophets site (http://rpg-news.dcemu.co.uk/) ;) i cant begin to say how amazing this game is all around master peice!!!!

July 24th, 2006, 04:27
Yeah this game rules. PERIOD. This should belong in every PSP owners library. This game does indeed play on 1.50 PSP's thanks to the all powerful DevHook by Booster.

I'm using DevHook 0.44.0100 FULL version

July 24th, 2006, 09:05
I have to say I perfer the PS2 version, but it is still an awesome game.

July 24th, 2006, 12:30
I think you ment the PSX (e.g. First version), as the Game is a PSX Port. The new Valkyrie Profile Game is the Sequel to this, and that will be the only Game made for the PS2...