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View Full Version : shooter, horror... and then what?

July 25th, 2006, 10:39
Hi y'all

Now that we have a couple off shooters (quake, doom and IRIS) and we have a horror game on the way (Generic Survival Horror Clone) then we are just missing 2 things (in my opinion)

1. is a Diablo clone, or other RPG... need something where there's monsters just waiting to be slayn, and with all the new 3d engines poping up, there should be a slight posibility
2. is a final fantasy clone, or atleast something that makes use off the same combatsystem.

Again I have to admit, I don't know anything at all about coding, so me request migth be stupid 'cos it is too hard to make such games.

Anyway, just thougths:p


July 25th, 2006, 19:45
diablos 2d jus to tell ya

July 25th, 2006, 22:10
or something similar to Record Of Lodoss War (DC) :p

July 26th, 2006, 01:05
Id like to see a slasher rpg similar to fable. Sure untold legends was pretty close but the above camera angle was horrible and there was no story to it at all.

July 26th, 2006, 03:12
I agree BigMace, there has not been a good RPG for PSP ever..

(Valkrey Profile could be good though)

I am also working on a 3D RPG for PSP called Caelestis, but I have not had time to work on it.. so it hasnt even got a demo using my own models yet.. (I could start working on it again when I get a demo of Generic Survival Horror Clone out)..

but I agree, there needs to be some kind of new game made for PSP in the genre of RPG or Medevil RPG..

I have considered working on a clone of Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, but I have never continued on making it, as I seem to be doing to many clones at the moment anyway lol...

anyway, good thread! and thanks for mentioning GSHC :D

July 27th, 2006, 15:11
Fine then we all agree, but no offence that didn't get us any further...
Jman, ur the big guy here, couldn't you get a crew of coders started? I know you have many project up and running ATM, but then just to get 'em together and get started? I would love to do someting myself, but I can't code anything (fealing realy helpless sometimes)

Wouldn't it then just be that much easyer to make??

Anyhow, some of the big cannons should look at this (like you did Jman), and then do someting if they can:)


July 27th, 2006, 19:45
diablo is isometeric it looks 3d it would be sorta easy to make but the psp wont be able to handle a lot of pepole on the screen but it seems like it would be sorta easy but stiull hard

July 27th, 2006, 20:22
I would love to see a Final Fantasy clone in the style of FF8 (nice 2D images + 3D people on top).

And something that Konami doesn't seem to want to give us... A Castlevania game!!! There's a lot of people working on 2D games like Metroid: Return of SA-X. So next, I wish to see a Castlevania clone.

July 27th, 2006, 20:25
All I can say is I know people working on both of the things you've requested Oni. I can't spill any more details though.