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View Full Version : Official Sony UMD Tools Leaked Onto Internet.

July 26th, 2006, 00:45
Ive followed the news around various hacking sites and it seems its true that Sonys UMD Tools otherwise known as UMD Composer have been leaked onto the internet, the set contains:

System File Editor 1.0
UMD Image Checker 1.10
UMD Image Generator 1.2.7
UMD Stream Composer 1.5
UMD Stream Viewer 1.5

Youll need to have some good understanding of the Japanese language to use the tools and also because they are official tools they are illegal for any site to host or post a link to the files.

Still interesting though.

July 26th, 2006, 01:08
Well, this would not be much use to the ordinary PSP user. Especially since we can't buy blank UMD-RW's but hopefully a good exploit can come out of it. Possibly in the future it can help get newer UMD games working on 1.50.

July 26th, 2006, 01:11
It lets you make an image of the UMD and burn it to a DVD to test it with an included app.....So its not that useless actualy.

July 26th, 2006, 01:35
Kind of interesting this happens just as sony loses major players in umd sales and developers are shying away from the format

July 26th, 2006, 01:35
Now you will see PSP piracy increase 10 fold...

July 26th, 2006, 01:41
No but it is pretty useless.. I highly doubt this will lead to an expoloit.

Now, a leaked Eboot signing tool, that would be sweet!

July 26th, 2006, 02:37
this is only for umd videos but it lets you make .pmf files, so you could make your own gameboot for instance.

July 26th, 2006, 02:48

July 26th, 2006, 03:05
edit: 1timeuser
not in our forums bub.

July 26th, 2006, 03:25
I have managed find these files over a torrent page...

...I found something a little more interesting however while looking for this, a beta version of Gangs Of London, I had no idea just how serious illegal games has gotten and how quick they are released over the internet.

To keep on topic a bit, yes this can be used mainly for making our own gameboots so expect to see new designer gameboots around now :D...

You could not make a UMD out of this software so to be honest I think it is kinda safe for sony.

July 26th, 2006, 03:50
Can you use any of these tools to recompile an ISO after extracting it , say if you wanted to replace all the background music in a game with your own background music, or just change a view image files around..?:confused:

Mr. Shizzy
July 26th, 2006, 04:13
Can you use any of these tools to recompile an ISO after extracting it , say if you wanted to replace all the background music in a game with your own background music, or just change a view image files around..?:confused:

I wouldn't go talking about ISO's on this site - you could get banned bro. And yes it would be illegal to dl the UMD tools. Although maybe someone could create a legal gameboot video maker (.pmf maker) I would love to create my own gameboot.:)

July 26th, 2006, 04:23
ill take that as a yes! i think i saw these tool on that mini nova site time to mess around with them

July 26th, 2006, 04:31
Do not give links to torrent sites here etc. These tools if you are going to download them illegally I think they should not be talked about at all!! In other words any discussion on these PMF files should striclty be for game boots in my opinion. And also from what I hear there is a UMD generator that does have the ability to make video and audio UMD's so ya it is something to worry about. Remember this program is very illegal, and it cost $2000 from SONY to obtain, so its best not to go around chatting about these, especially saying that you have them!

July 26th, 2006, 05:00
Its so hard NOT to talk about Piracy on a topic like this...

...But to stay safe the only big deal about this program is the fact that it can be used to make Gameboots, People have been looking for something like this for ages and finally its here...

...However whoever leaked this program will get in serious trouble. There are rumours that it has come from ROCKSTAR GAMES???

If this is the case, the release date for all ROCKSTAR games on the PSP will be put back to a later date and even worse could be banned from producing for the PSP at all :( :( :(

July 26th, 2006, 05:04
hmm but I'm only able to crerate bsf files not psf files.

anyways, I think its kinda of useful...I mean you can make umd of lets say ddr rev. and then make it into an iso and compress it to ciso...I dunno if it work, I haven't tried it but it would be nice if we are able to do that with those tools.

July 26th, 2006, 05:05
Why would you want to do that though because that would make the file WAY WAY bigger...

Mistake for my last post, it is not ROCKSTAR GAMES that released this program it was apparantly a member from Sony :S

Perhaps somebody has a grudge with sony within the organization???

July 26th, 2006, 05:09
it would make the file bigger or smaller? O_o

maybe somebody from sony gave to a friend and that friend gave it to another friend and so on and so on. Either that or somebody brought it and leaked it.

July 26th, 2006, 05:15
Yeh maybe your right there Popcornx...

...the file btw would be much bigger because the formats that can be used at the moment make all files within it double they should be so I have noticed...

Either way I have used this program and maybe 2morro I will have a go at making a Gameboot and testing on one of my PSP's, I don't know how to make 1 just yet but as they say "Practice Makes Perfect" :D

July 26th, 2006, 05:17
metaphorically speaking, i think it is safe to assume we the homebrew community have taken the roll of a brave young italian plumber by the name of mario, and sony has taken the roll of a young fair maiden named Princess toadstool, and now its time for 1 UP IN THE TOADSTOOL PRINCESS YAH TAKE IT TAKE IT!!

July 26th, 2006, 05:19
metaphorically speaking, i think it is safe to assume we the homebrew community have taken the roll of a brave young italian plumber by the name of mario, and sony has taken the roll of a young fair maiden named Princess toadstool, and now its time for 1 UP IN THE TOADSTOOL PRINCESS YAH TAKE IT TAKE IT!!
OK then.....

July 26th, 2006, 05:26
metaphorically speaking, i think it is safe to assume we the homebrew community have taken the roll of a brave young italian plumber by the name of mario, and sony has taken the roll of a young fair maiden named Princess toadstool, and now its time for 1 UP IN THE TOADSTOOL PRINCESS YAH TAKE IT TAKE IT!!

hahahahaahahahahaha nice way to say F*** You to Sony really :D Then again a bit too pervy and worrying, notaforumtroll you scare me but in a wierd way :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

To be fair though, the way all this is going for the PSP, Sony may just stop producing them, its sad I know but if they cannot stop us (Which they wont) then they will just give up, they dont have fighting spirit really.

July 26th, 2006, 05:54
You got that right bro ^_^
the worst thing i can foresee happening to psp is it going the way of the dreamcast. but with the money already invested, i think sony is better off trying to fix a sinking boat with new ideas than abandoning it all together, maybe they will even start to employee expert homebrews who knows!

PSP WAY OF THE DREAMCAST? what do you guys think

July 26th, 2006, 06:10
The First Rule of PSP club is YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT PSP CLUB.

July 26th, 2006, 06:42
You got that right bro ^_^
the worst thing i can foresee happening to psp is it going the way of the dreamcast. but with the money already invested, i think sony is better off trying to fix a sinking boat with new ideas than abandoning it all together, maybe they will even start to employee expert homebrews who knows!

PSP WAY OF THE DREAMCAST? what do you guys think

Atleast the Dreamcast had better games then the PSP. Right now I only own 3 titles

THUG2 Remix (fun and high replay value)

GTA:LCS (bought it to learn 2.0 exploit and for fun)

Dark Stalkers (bought it when I bought the PSP just to have something)

Also GTA:LCS was the only game I bought new I waited on THUG2 and as I said got Dark Stalkers used when I bought the system.

There simply isn't any PSP titles I must own. I really would like to see installments of the following

Kingdom Hearts

God of War


Those would be games I'd rush out and buy new.

July 26th, 2006, 07:40
wats the torrent site for a umd composer dl ??? i want to see this!

July 26th, 2006, 07:51
Jungle-Cat: If you read practically any post in this topic, we, contributing forum members, are not allowed to post any links to illegal files. The UMD Composer is considered illegal to download without ownership. Not Legal = No Link.

July 26th, 2006, 07:55
No links allowed mate...

EDIT=. Just noticed thats alot of posts for nearly a year hahaah jk..(ME)

July 26th, 2006, 07:56
it doesnt have to be a link just a url lol

anyway, sony are arse holes they dont let us play doom on our psp's they deserve to have their software stolen. im not joking.

Cap'n 1time
July 26th, 2006, 07:57
thank god some of you are getting it. no links to illegal material. directly or indirectly.. and dont use our PM system to spread your warez.

July 26th, 2006, 07:59
well anyway im bored so some people add me on msn.

[email protected]


soz for breaking rules delete my posts

July 26th, 2006, 08:06

Sony is practically forced to prevent homebrew for us. If they allowed homebrew they'd get hassled by customers everytime their psp bricks. And the bad side of the homebrew scene, the ISO emulation has Sony scared for loss of sales. How would Sony moniter the parental control levels on Homebrew? They'd get sued for not restricting when a child downloads a super nintendo emulator and is playing a game with gore in it. The parent gets angry, and sues. There goes the homebrew.

Don't get me wrong. I'd love it if Sony came out with a sandbox mode for the PSP, with limited support for system functions, carefully preventing access to kernal and other vital functions, but I don't see how they could possibly do this without hassling and loss of funds from some estranged parent.

Sony's smart. I'm sure they realize all the features that have been incorporated in current homebrew, and are making a todo list for upcoming firmware. They want to make money by adding device support like gps for consumers to buy, but along with these features I'm sure they'll slip in others that the community has collectively been demanding.

Looking back, perhaps I got a little off topic. :P

July 26th, 2006, 08:31
I for one enjoy the psp games library
my most played game is
Japanese initial d streets @ 30 hours very fun multi player
Daxter = lotsa fun
Street fighter alpha max 3 = OG beat down
Wipe out pure = Crisp good music
Virtua Tennis = MULTI PLAYER!!!!
Lumines = 420
loco roco = ludes anyone?

i will admit the RPG selection is VERY WEAK considering that sony has usually delivered a strong RPG base.
Sega has put out some good games, EA has put out nothing original or of interest, just really bad ports of ps2/xbox games, Konami hello anywhere? Konami?
Capcom always aims to please with its classics, hopefully we will see a metal slug anniversery and ghost and gobknobblers is on the way
as for the GTA'S they are wonderful entertaining ports, but rockstar should try and bring something original to the table, not just another game to port out to every other console.



July 26th, 2006, 08:43
I'm sure we have friends on the inside,Sony as a corporation just can,t publically support homebrew otherwise what would be the need for those expensive licenses they sell to their developers.

July 26th, 2006, 08:53
I have managed find these files over a torrent page...

...I found something a little more interesting however while looking for this, a beta version of Gangs Of London, I had no idea just how serious illegal games has gotten and how quick they are released over the internet.

To keep on topic a bit, yes this can be used mainly for making our own gameboots so expect to see new designer gameboots around now :D...

You could not make a UMD out of this software so to be honest I think it is kinda safe for sony.
Yeah i saw them posted on the newsgrops i usenot much use to anyone really.But with this 2.71 been decrypted and Gangs of london been leaked.$ONY are not having a good month,I bet some p45's were handed out at $ony yesterday lol.

July 26th, 2006, 09:06
What!!? 2.71 was decrypted withTHIS!!!

July 26th, 2006, 09:14
I thought the recently found flaw for kernal access allowed the eventual decryption of 2.71, is this not true?

July 26th, 2006, 09:15
no, Dark_AleX did it with his 2.71 decrypter :D

July 26th, 2006, 09:20
Thxs Blazed for explaining...

July 26th, 2006, 09:26
no problem eggman, and adduc the kernel access led to the 2.5/2.6 downgrader, i think devhook or the custom fw led to the decryption of 2.71 but i could be wrong

July 26th, 2006, 09:26
That's what I meant. I'm sorry I wasn't more specific. With the exploit found for kernal access in 2.6, it allowed Dark_AleX to write the 2.7 prx decrypter to allow people with 2.6 firmware to access and decrypt the prx's located in the flash with the newly kernal access.

July 26th, 2006, 09:39
Okay that clears that up was getting a little confused about that:)

July 26th, 2006, 09:43
sony's really getting screwed over these days....:p

July 26th, 2006, 11:10
sony's really getting screwed over these days....:p
Funny tho aintit gives you a warm glow all over how a multi $$$$$$$$£££££ company can be caused so much trouble by the little man on the street.

July 26th, 2006, 13:41
... How would Sony moniter the parental control levels on Homebrew? They'd get sued for not restricting when a child downloads a super nintendo emulator and is playing a game with gore in it. The parent gets angry, and sues. There goes the homebrew...

well the child would have to own the snes game in the first place...which would mean the parents bought it for him. So they would have no case against sony.

July 26th, 2006, 13:54
I have been messing with this UMD Tools just for fun and now i can say that for the common people these are most useless.

The only one that looks a little promissing is the UMD Composer, it produces videos in MPS format (not PMF, ok?) so teoretically you can create a whole Video UMD, but well, we don't have a UMD Recorder... and why would i use this crap (ah! y forgot to mention it, is slooooow) when there are tools like Mencoder / x264 / ffmpeg and the great PMP MOD?

I think that the MPS can be converted to a PMF-like format with some little reverse-engineering, but its so troublesome that i don't think sony should worry about this...

July 26th, 2006, 13:59
u gt psplayer so u don t need, but it just fun that sony realy pissed off ;)

July 26th, 2006, 14:02
today must suck for sony. you can now downgrade from 2.6 to 1.5, you can now emulate 2.71 on a 1.5, and now their tools just got leaked on the web...

Mr. Shizzy
July 26th, 2006, 18:35
today must suck for sony. you can now downgrade from 2.6 to 1.5, you can now emulate 2.71 on a 1.5, and now their tools just got leaked on the web...

Not to mention that the Gangs of London beta was leaked. The only thing that scares me is the over all adverse effect this could have on the longevity of the PSP. In my opinion, if $ONY doesn't get control over their handheld soon (through firmware updates)-
no software company is gonna want to make games for PSP:( . $ONY might even roll out the PSP2 ahead of time - which will be locked down like Fort Knox:mad: .

July 27th, 2006, 05:25
lol, ive tried to make a .pmf file for 6 hours now. the tool keeps crashing on me though. Ive made myself a custom gameboot that i would love to have on my psp. well time to get back to work. and also, if any1 knows how to use this program to make the files into MPS using specific details (i.e what format to import video and audio) then id love to hear it. so far i know that avi at 29.97fps can convert but it doesnt complete for me. also sound must be in pcm wave format. thats all i really know.

July 27th, 2006, 15:53
Ive made custom gameboot.pmf adn to let you know, its quite simple when u know what youre doing lol. ive made a couple of them and they do work. btw these custom made gameboots (nor any that ive seen) dont work on devhook... strictly for nand flashrs