View Full Version : how do u make lua for the xmb

July 26th, 2006, 06:34
:D im so close to being done with my first realese just gotta add a couple things and work through some errors and im done i would really like to know how to make an eboot that runs this like how sonic fighter lua wormz does:cool:

July 26th, 2006, 08:09
Don't bother releasing it, you'll be flamed to death.

July 26th, 2006, 08:44
u can't let some flammin stop u from releasin/codin, look at Zion he got flammed to death on bj.net(the copy&paste site) but he's still codin and releasin his work, this is DCEmu most people here are mature so dtothabreezy don't let the flamers get to u, most of the flamers just wish they could code and are jealous...hope u find my words of wisdom helpful :D

July 26th, 2006, 09:10
Amen to that.

July 26th, 2006, 11:11
Umm, it seems everyone has ignored your question, but I think the answer you're looking for is included in the luaPlayer download:

Making your Lua application stand-alone
If you don't want your application to rely on an already-installed LuaPlayer on your end user's PSP, you might want to create a stand-alone version of LuaPlayer bundling only your LuaPlayer application. This standalone version will not include the file browser/application launcher `Lowser`. It does, however, require that you are familiar with the unix build system, have the latest PSP toolchain installed, and the dependencies listed in "Readme (LuaPlayer Core developers).txt". Put your lua app files (either a Lowser-compatible folder or package, or just loose files with a main script.lua) in standalone/app folder. Modify the Makefile.psp-standalone makefile to match your app name, change title-icon.png, and run
$ make -f Makefile.psp-standalone release10 -- for firmware 1.0
$ make -f Makefile.psp-standalone release15 -- for firmware 1.5
from the luaplayer directory.I don't know if this is the answer you're looking for, but at least it's one possibility.

July 26th, 2006, 14:20
you should release it (dont be offended by the flames, it probably happens to everyone). you can be sure you wont be flamed on DCEmu though! :)

July 26th, 2006, 17:24
u can't let some flammin stop u from releasin/codin, look at Zion he got flammed to death on bj.net(the copy&paste site) but he's still codin and releasin his work, this is DCEmu most people here are mature so dtothabreezy don't let the flamers get to u, most of the flamers just wish they could code and are jealous...hope u find my words of wisdom helpful :D

i got flamed to death on my game to but im coding it still

July 26th, 2006, 18:13
i dont care if i get flamed my game i know is going to build in to some thing great ill try that but i dont have any of that installed or any knoledge of it but i will try pluss who cares about peploe online you should do what you want to do there only doing it for the hell of it they dont really care they got a life to just like you:cool: does any body have an easy to use psp toolchain

July 26th, 2006, 20:59
i think i could get it to work if you wanted to send me your project.

July 27th, 2006, 02:25
i will do that goona work on some stuff for it aint gettin as far as i thought had football practice 430 to 9