View Full Version : Undiluted Platinum
July 27th, 2006, 12:21
Just wanted to know who had succesfully installed undiluted platinum round here:)
August 5th, 2006, 11:47
I havn't actually installed it yet but once it comes in the mail does anyone want some pics of what the soldering joins should look like as well as the PCB soldermask cuts?
August 5th, 2006, 14:19
Yes please :)
If you could, for example, take a picture of where UP meets the PSP, and put a pencil next-to the soldering points so I know what kinda scale I'm gona have to deal with, that'd be great. :)
And a piture of the opened PSP with the stencils glued on (point them out in photoshop if they're not obvious).
Also any other pictures you think would be useful.
Thanks loads! :)
August 5th, 2006, 14:19
indeed, any and all pictures would help :D
p.s.: nice avatar PSDroideka :)
August 6th, 2006, 05:28
lol :) thanks, ill post as soon as i actually get the modchip, i got the currency wrong and paid them in Australian dollars so i have to send them a little more :(
Just while we are waiting and seeing as though people need help opening their PSP's just follow this link, its an exellent turorial :)
August 10th, 2006, 14:09
Ok my modchip iiiiiiiiiisssssss........ Still not here yet :o
But i have some important info to tell you, after you've taken the liksang tutorial mentioned before unscrew the metal plate that was under the screen you removed Now under where the digital pad's buttons were youll see a TA - 079 or a TA - 080 or 081. If its any of these than you can put in the modchip :) If not, well, you cant. (TA - 082).
Although i know there is a tutorial for checking TA-082 it doesn't tell you which of the other motherboards you have and there are seperate instructions for the other compatible types.
Luckily, Mine is!! :D [see below]
August 12th, 2006, 03:55
I've decided to move all news to my web page :)
So check for updates on this there. My modchip should be here on Wednesday ;)
August 12th, 2006, 03:55
I've decided to move all news to my web page :)
So check for updates on this there. My modchip should be here on Wednesday ;)
August 12th, 2006, 16:55
Just wanted to say, you can check the version without taking the thing apart. Open the disk compartment, and look through the top to the PCB inside. I can't find the article right now, but there should be a version number written upside-down. If there's nothing there, you're safe and can use UP (make sure there really isn't ANY text there, use a light). If there IS something there, search for the article to find out.
August 12th, 2006, 16:57
To know if you have a TA-082 motherboard, open your UMD drive. Look in the top right corner, where you see a little green. If there is writing there, then its a TA-082, if not, feel free to mod the hell out of your PSP. :)
August 13th, 2006, 14:32
I got my UP installed by a guy from Maxconsole and it took him about 1hr and a half. He also did a USB Mod so instead of accessing the USB from underneath the battery slot, you access it from its own USB slot on the side of the Psp which is very cool, this will also avoid wear and tear.
August 15th, 2006, 19:29
I'm new to this forum...
Has anyone tried RE'ing the UP?
It would be cool to flash the Epsilon Bios on a psp without that modchip...should be possible even...
What would be needed to do is: flash the chip with the epsilon bios, then dump it through the FPGA (using a NAND flash reader/programmer)
Then *eventually* find out how they encrypt it... (comparing the image being flashed with the image being read)
August 22nd, 2006, 12:19
mine will be here any day now.
Just so everyone knows i know how to check for a TA-082 but i reccomend you do my test as there is a different set of instructions for the compatible types.
September 5th, 2006, 12:29
I will now quote that Monkey legend we all loved ;) "THE BEAST HAS ARRIVED!!!!" I'm assuming that you've all been to my website and taken the tutorials??? I'm also assuming that your nodding now.
I will be releasing the requested pictures of where everything goes ( the chip is less than 2cm wide :eek: ) but my visual aid won't allow me to give you pics of the process, but thats all in the tutorial which you are still all nodding to having read!! (
October 8th, 2006, 12:27
I have mine installed! Could not go without it.
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