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View Full Version : Kane and Lynch are dead men

July 27th, 2006, 16:54
As reported last week, IO Interactive, the developers behind the Hitman series and Freedom Fighters, has confirmed its new project Kane and Lynch: Dead Men, an 'intense action title' heading for PC and 360 next year.

The blurb from the Eidos marketing bods has it down as "a violent and chaotic journey of two men - a flawed mercenary and a medicated psychopath - and their brutal attitude towards right and wrong." And going by the Hitman titles, IO does 'flawed' hard guys to a tee.

Eidos also promise that the "volatile partnership" of its protagonists, combined with "innovative technologies allow for an unparalleled gaming experience". We're already excited by the impending violence, and have put a contract out for a few new, meatier details in the very near future.

David Bamberger, the title's US Marketing Manager, bigged it K&L with the following: "Using state-of-the-art technology, Kane and Lynch: Dead Men delivers a raw and compelling story-driven gaming experience not previously possible on current generation hardware. The power of the Xbox 360(TM) and Windows allows us to dive deeper into a world of disturbing realism." Wise words mate.