View Full Version : Wii football controller brought to life by CTA Digital

March 22nd, 2010, 22:25

It wasn't too long ago that we were berating Nintendo for its seemingly silly patent application relating to a football-shaped soft appendage for the Wii Remote controllers. As it turns out, we may have underestimated the consumer interest in just such a product. While Ninty's application is still under review, CTA Digital has taken the opportunity to introduce its own "soft, realistic accessory" for the ballers that just can't get their Madden on without the feel of a rubbery pigskin substitute. It's ambidextrous, it comes with a wrist strap, and it has absolutely no right to exist in a society of right-thinking Homo sapiens. But it does. At least price and availability aren't yet public, so hopefully you'll have forgotten about this abomination by the time of release.


March 22nd, 2010, 22:33
god sake, just piss off with all this 3rd part bullshite

March 23rd, 2010, 00:35
I'm sure there's plenty American "Football" fans can make good use of this, i mean by my reckoning you have 10 seconds of action followed by 3 minutes for the players to have a rest so there's plenty time to play your Wii when there's no actual sport taking place, but then of course there's the Cheerleaders... Hmm.. Sorry scratch all that i love American Football.

March 23rd, 2010, 00:47
Clearly, this is a clever conspiracy to increase LCD television sales, after this thing goes right through several.