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View Full Version : Turf Wars Announces the Release of Version 1.3

March 23rd, 2010, 22:48
MeanFreePath LLC has released version 1.3 of its free geo-based iPhone and iPod touch app, Turf Wars. Version 1.3 adds an optional landscape mode, and Facebook Connect, which allows you to show off your turf and capo titles to all your Facebook friends.

“Facebook Connect adds bragging rights to Turf Wars, allowing you to show off when you capture a turf or become the capo of an area” said Nick Baicoianu, creator of Turf Wars and founder of MeanFreePath LLC. “Sharing your conquests through Facebook adds another social dynamic to Turf Wars letting you smack talk your friends and keep tabs on them.”

Receiving rave reviews from tech entertainment and gaming press, including 4 out of 5 stars from the Times of London, an A- from The Onion’s AV Club and a nomination for both Best MMO Game and Best Use of Location Services for the “Best of 2009” awards at 148apps.com, Turf Wars is a free geo-based crime app that utilizes the iPhone and iPod touch’s GPS capabilities, allow ing players to grab real turf on a map, adding a more realistic feel to the gameplay. Complete missions to level up and take control of turf with one goal in mind - become the top dog or “Capo” of your town!

**NOTE: iPhone/ iPod touch users must be running Apple’s GPS-enabled, OS 3.0 or higher in order to play Turf Wars**