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View Full Version : New screenshots of iPad apps start to make this thing seem less like a giant iPhone

March 28th, 2010, 20:11

We already knew that the iPad would be getting a few pieces of software that haven't shown up on its tinier, phone counterpart -- but now that a few screenshots of forthcoming apps for the device have reared their head, we're getting a clearer picture of just what this thing will feel like. If these shots of the new Yahoo! Entertainment, Bento, OmniGraffle, and Brushes are any indication, the iPad will be doing a lot more than just zooming up your Facebook profile. There's definitely an emphasis on content creation, file exporting (if not saving), and syncing with desktop versions of some of these apps, and Yahoo!'s work (alongside Brushes') shows that we've only begun to scratch the surface of what interfaces will be like on this device. We're sure the next week will be filled with all sorts of these kinds of leaks, but for now you can cherish the moment when you first laid eyes on your new way to check a TV schedule. A few more shots after the break, and lots more at the sources.


March 28th, 2010, 23:44
So you get a 9.7" screen to use scaled up apps and videos so you obviously need a s*it load of memory for all this, and what do they give you? a 16gb non expandable memory and if you run out of space instead of a proper device where you just spend £20 for an extra 16gb memory card you have to spend £440 for a 32gb iPad, you can understand Apple's greed because they understand how gullible the Apple userbase is, but i say if you silly enough to buy an iPad and get caught like this then Apple more than deserves to take your money.

April 6th, 2010, 22:23
How big are iPad apps? I do wonder about that, Especially with music, photos and email too. I think I'll get one in the 2nd gen. I never get first gen Apple products as they use the customer base as a massive beta tester group