View Full Version : Flashme v7 over WifiMe Problem

July 28th, 2006, 07:01
Ive been running the wifime over the linux version for wmb using a Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connecter. See: http://simon.teunvandeberg.nl/nifi/howto_win+knoppix.html

I can run commertial demos fine but when I try to run flashme, i can download it to my ds but it freezes on the Nintendo logo, which is 'fuzzy' instead of showing "Nintendo" like it should.
I've also tryed it with the stealth flashme and i have the same problem.

Is it possible to run flashme over wifime?

July 28th, 2006, 10:35
You can only run unsigned code over WiFiMe with older DS firmware; specifically, v3 or below.
If you have anything higher than that it seems WiFiMe can only stream you official Nintendo demos, which is why that's all you can run.