View Full Version : Reports of webOS 1.4.1 update now coming in, Update: available for Sprint

April 6th, 2010, 17:27
It doesn't appear to do anything groundbreaking like overclock your Pre, but it looks like the webOS 1.4.1 update is now starting to trickle out to at least a few lucky users. According to PreCentral, one of the first reports to come in was from a Pre user who also happened to be one of the first to get the webOS 1.4 update while he was in Vietnam, and has now managed to snag the 1.4.1 update while residing in Holland. That was later followed up with a second report from a Sprint customer in Washington, but things seem to have been relatively quiet since them. Still no official word from Palm either, but the update does seem to be as minor as the number revision suggestions, with it weighing in at just 6MB. Receive yours yet? Let us know in comments.

Update: So that's what the update does -- according to Recombu, the update should allow European webOS users to finally spend their hard-earned quids and Euros on paid apps. PreCentral additionally reports that O2 Germany customers can now download the Mobile Hotspot app. Cheers!

Update 2: We're getting a 10mb patch on our Sprint Pre as we speak, while a list of changes has arrived on Palm.com with one notable difference -- the old NFL Mobile App has been renamed Sprint Football Live -- but otherwise it appears to be the same. Meanwhile the word on PreCentral is that Verizon customers may be in for a wait of up to a few weeks for their own update, so slowing the pace of update checks to just once every 5 minutes would appear to be a reasonable course of action.
