View Full Version : New gccVB version and ROM-shrinker

April 7th, 2010, 00:09
News via http://www.planetvb.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=297

A new version of the gccVB compiler has been created by dasi. This is still version 2.95 like the last release from 2007, but has added bitstring and NVC instructions. It also comes precompiled, so all you have to do to is install Cygwin and drop the unzipped archive in your "/c/cygwin/usr/" folder.

Another release comes from RunnerPack. His VB ROM-image Shrinker utility is something like an "inverse padder" and allows you to shrink Virtual Boy ROMs to their smallest possible size (which still has to be a power of 2 of course).

Furthermore, you can find a TTF format font, modeled after the Virtual Boy one, made by RunnerPack here.