View Full Version : Official DS Headset – Pics of New Must-Have

July 28th, 2006, 15:05
News from Spong (http://news.spong.com/article/10473)

Whilst there have been third party combined microphone/earphone DS headsets on the market for some time, SPOnG is happy to finally see Nintendo’s own offering, which releases in Japan on September 14.

Finally, we will be able to use chat-enabled games and microphone-enabled DS games on public transport, without looking like Rosemary, the telephonist from Hong Kong Phooey (if you are not sure what we mean, check out the pic to the right of the lady wearing Datel’s DS headset).

So, if you, like SPOnG have been having problems with playing games such as Nintendogs and Metroid Prime Hunters in public spaces (whilst slyly whispering into the DS’s microphone) you need worry no more. However, we cannot be held responsible for how other people on the bus or the tube might respond to you petting your virtual dog or smack talking with your mates on Metroid.

We put a call in to Nintendo UK to find out about a planned European release date and a few more technical specs for the headset (we presume the downside of this is that it transforms your DS’s stereo sound into mono). However all we got back from Nintendo was the usual, “We have made no announcement yet on this.”

Never mind, it’s only a headset. You’ll can get one on import come September. In the meantime, keep whispering.

Screenshot Via Comments

July 28th, 2006, 15:11
I try to stay away from games using the microphone. I look like a right idiot playing brain age on the bus :D

blue......Blue.....I SAID BLOODY BLUE!!!!

July 28th, 2006, 15:14
Lol, you have the same problems with blue my friends do :D.

July 28th, 2006, 15:18
blue screws up for me alot to :lol: I will get this when multiplayer games support mic chat

July 28th, 2006, 17:17
The english version of Brain age works perfectly... Sadly it's my native language version that has all the blue, black & yellow problems :').

Ontopic: Looks better then the codejunkies one :)

July 28th, 2006, 17:24
i cant wait for the headset to be used like a phone :)

July 28th, 2006, 17:36
:rolleyes: yea i used to have the same prob with brain age but now iv gotten better coz i learnt to say it more clearly

July 28th, 2006, 17:37
:rolleyes: yea i used to have the same prob with brain age but now iv gotten better coz i learnt to say it more clearly
see, the mic is actually educating you instead of entartaining you :)