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View Full Version : i need help with decryptions

July 28th, 2006, 16:40
im an extreme noob at this decryption and dumping stuff:confused: :confused: :confused: can some1 tell me if decryption and dumping of firmware is the same thing and wat does it do to ur psp or firmware. is that like a way to play homebrew on ur psp. i have psp 2.70 and i dont want to upgrade yet i learned to slow down on upgrading becuz i love homewbrew:( :( but now i cant play it only flash witch sorta sucks ass

July 28th, 2006, 16:43
I recommend you don't upgrade because theres rumors that someone has discover a flaw on 2.71 where it uses some sort of flash witch if it is true I'm sure DARK will find a way to downgrade. And yes flash games for the 2.70 aren't good i know i have tried them. Then again i still have 1.50 LOL

July 28th, 2006, 17:13
lol i hate u. but i really want to kno wat is decryptionand dumps so confused :confused:

July 28th, 2006, 17:47
:o what a nice lad,

no sarcasm there

July 28th, 2006, 17:52
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: GOT ANY HELP!! :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

July 28th, 2006, 17:57
:d :d :d Not Any More:d :d :d

July 28th, 2006, 18:00
:d :d :d Not Any More:d :d :d
perfect answer :p

July 28th, 2006, 18:06
any that can help plz tell

July 28th, 2006, 18:08
since you have 2.7, you cant downgrade (for now). you cant play homebrew either (until they make a hack)

July 28th, 2006, 18:18
good i kno all that but do u kno wat a decrypter and firmware dumper is :confused: :confused: :confused:

July 28th, 2006, 18:20
good i kno all that but do u kno wat a decrypter and firmware dumper is :confused: :confused: :confused:
yes, it extracts all of the files from an update EBOOT from sony, but you have to have 1.5 to do that

July 28th, 2006, 18:23
wat does it do!! exactly like does it trick the psp into thinking its the acual firmware

July 28th, 2006, 18:24
oh lol i see lol i want psp 1.5 so much or 1.0

July 28th, 2006, 18:24
wat does it do!! exactly like does it trick the psp into thinking its the acual firmware
once you extract the files, people like booster use those files to emulate it (devhook)

July 28th, 2006, 18:25
yea thx 4 the hlp

July 28th, 2006, 18:25
oh lol i see lol i want psp 1.5 so much or 1.0
it wont let you downgrade, it just lets people with 1.0 or 1.5 emulate 2.71 (thats as far as its gone for now)

July 28th, 2006, 18:26
now it has 2.8 emulation too

July 28th, 2006, 18:26
yea thx 4 the hlp
its all good. i didnt know what your question was at first, thats why i wasnt answering :)

July 28th, 2006, 18:26
now it has 2.8 emulation too
since when? do you have a link?

July 28th, 2006, 18:33
lol i 4 got i wasnt reading lol its this <a href="http://www.psp-hacks.com/2006/07/28/devhook-v046-released/"> devhook </a>

July 28th, 2006, 18:34
cheap ass site doenst support html wow

July 28th, 2006, 18:40
cheap ass site doenst support html wow
what site doesnt support html?

July 28th, 2006, 18:49
this site