View Full Version : Crazy Intro 1.1

April 11th, 2010, 01:56
Crazy Intro 1.1 released by WiiCrazy/I.R.on.

Crazy intro is an autoboot homebrew to use along with Preloader.

You can use Crazy intro to customize the opening of your wii. You can display your selected picture and play the music of your choice at each start of your wii. Also you can assign your frequently used channels/programs to any button on your wiimote. You can use B or your configured button to quickly access homebrew channel. It's also possible to use a custom greeting screen when one of your miis have a birthday.

1.1 - 10/04/2010 - http://www.wiidewii.com/data/CrazyIntrov1.1.rar

Compiled with latest Grrlib 4.2.0
Mii display support for the birthday feature (thanks to mdbrim)
see example here : http://www.wiidewii.com/data/crazyintro-mii.jpg

Being forced to the first wiimote issue fixed.
Few effect fixes as well
