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View Full Version : XeXtractor v1.03

April 23rd, 2010, 13:08
News via http://www.xbox-scene.com/xbox1data/sep/EkZEAEpFpFzuxKxniV.php

HellDoc released XeXtractor, a generic XEX tool box. Drag a XEX in and extract the files!

What's new/fixed:
* Added XACH and XITB support. (Now list achievements in every language possible and image file names are now the original filename) This can only be done when opening a XEX or XBDF file.
* Added XITB sample class.
* Added a file name level in xuiz extraction so not all xuiz extracted file ends up in the same folder.

Official Site: http://helldoc.blogspot.com/