View Full Version : I need help unbricking a NON-HACKED Wii from version 4.2 (USA)

I obviously need hel
April 25th, 2010, 03:27
**OTHER VERSIONS OF MY PREDICAMENT CAN BE FOUND AT GBATEMP (http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=222903&st=15&gopid=2781958&#entry2781958), WIIHACKS (http://www.wiihacks.com/bricked-wii-issues-only/56963-i-need-help-unbricking-non-hacked-wii-version-4-2-usa.html), WIIBREW (http://forum.wiibrew.org/read.php?22,52809), and WIINEWZ (http://wiinewz.com/forums/wii-hacking-homebrew/97755-i-need-help-unbricking-non-hacked-wii-version-4-2-usa.html)**

Alright folks, I have been doing some research on this, and I have come to these conclusions:

1. My non-hacked Wii (meaning, I don't have ANY HBC-related data on it, nor is it modded) purchased on November 19, 2006 in the USA has been bricked due to Nintendo's shoddy boot2v4 included in the 4.2 firmware update. It happened late last night when I wanted to play my newest game (Monster Hunter Tri).

2. I can check the firmware version that my Wii has on the black screen o' death by using my GameCube controller (which is taken apart) in port 4 and holding down the 4 D-pad buttons simultaneously before start-up.

3. I can buy the SaveMii GameCube memory card dongle, but it only works for up to version 3.2 Wiis. I'd have to wait for a newer version to help me. **UPDATE: I was told that #2 is exactly the same as this**

4. I wouldn't be screwed if I had HBC. After this incident, I may as well cave in and start Homebrewing. Either that, or get something better than Verizon DSL which caused this brick in the first place. Damn shoddy internet connection...

Okay, after finally realizing all this wealth of info, I have come to the conclusion that my Wii CAN be saved. If I look at number 2, I recall reading on several forums that all I have to do is pop in a game or an official Wii System Update disc that has NEWER FIRMWARE than what is already on the system. However, seeing how we are currently at 4.2 and my system is also at 4.2, I'm SOL until the newer firmware comes out. Even then, finding a game with a newer update would be slim-to-none.

HOWEVER! Is it possible for my Wii to upload something from an SD card during the start-up process that will allow me to fix the boot2v4 or downgrade to a firmware version that'll get it out of bricked mode? Once again, I have NO hacked software on my Wii at all. It is a 100% legit Wii that has never touched Homebrew Channel stuff.

Any help will be much appreciated! I will also clarify anything I didn't explain well enough to the best of my ability. Oh, and here are pics of my setup:


PS- Any ideas when version 4.3 will come out? Super Mario Galaxy 2 maybe?

I obviously need hel
April 25th, 2010, 04:11

Users over at GBAtemp have pointed out that it may be my bluetooth module that is corrupt/damaged/loose/etc. I realized this after finding out that my Wii CANNOT be turned on by my remotes, but I am able to access the recovery menu. I will fool around with my bluetooth module to figure out if this is the problem. I have a spare Japanese Wii that I can steal parts from as well. Will be back with my report.