View Full Version : Keyvault Modder v1g-1

April 30th, 2010, 15:20
News via http://www.xbox-scene.com/xbox1data/sep/EkZkkAAkFAUgPlDEEw.php

Zouzzz released a new version of Keyvault Modder, a GUI tool to modify/read some of your keyvault data (region, dvd key, dvd info etc).

What's new/fixed:
* Compatible with NAND and KeyVault of DevKit / DemoKit / TestKit
* Added DevKit and NTSC-HK regions
* Changed color of left button
* Fixed error "Compatibilty with" with central button
* Fixed error of re-opening decrypted KV with left button
* Fixed cancel bug 'Open File'
* Fixed cancel bug 'Save File'
* Fixed bug on size of certain KVs (0x10 and 0x20 left over here and there)
* New layout (TextBox replaced by Panels ...)
* Removed the .dll
* Removed compatibility info
* Check that CPU key is HEX
* Check that DVD key is HEX
* FileName indication in Open File
* FileName indication in Save File
* RC4 Key indication while decrypting
* Hmac Message indication while decrypting
* Added KeyVauly encryption
* Added encryption + inset of KV in NAND dump
* Added Donate button
* Loading / Saving of 5 different profiles (from A to E), saving Name, CPU key, RC4 Key and Hmac Message

Official Site: hb-released.com