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View Full Version : Ultrastar Deluxe 1.1 Public Beta

May 1st, 2010, 20:28
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-viewtopic-t-15056.html

The Open Source Singstar Simulator UltraStar Deluxe was released in a new beta version.
The developers ask for testers and bugreports.
Here the Link of the mainpage, if you never heard of Ultrastar!

Ultrastar Deluxe 1.1

upd: platform independent code base
upd: endianness independent code base
add: Linux and FreeBSD support (x86 and x86_64)
add: Max OS X support (Intel 10.5/10.6)

upd: reimplemented audio playback and input
upd: pluggable audio/video modules
- Bass input/playback/decoder (windows only)
- SDL audio playback (all platforms)
- Portaudio playback/input (all platforms)
- FFmpeg decoder (all platforms)
upd: video files enabled for the #MP3 tag (using the first audio stream of a video)
add: Microphone Passthrough (experimental)
fix: a start without a microphone plugged-in does not result in a crash
add: background music

upd: revised video decoder implementation
upd: windows: updated FFmpeg binary
upd: performance improvements

upd: video backgrounds for themes
upd: Song Screen: performance improvements with many songs
upd: theme change w/o restarting Ultrastar Deluxe
upd: new score display in Sing Screen (animated)
upd: Score Screen redesigned (animations)
upd: Deluxe theme enhanced (ty mog)
upd: ability to select party modes before the game
upd: default skin and color are read from themes and skins
add: visualisations (due to projectM) as background while singing
upd: Truetype fonts (due to freetype6) instead of the old bitmap fonts
-> support for international character sets
-> smoother type face
upd: new lyrics effect: Shift
upd: more than one additional song path can be set in config.ini (SongDirX)
upd: microphone settings simplified
- vu-meter for incoming signals on the selected input
- display of input volume
- adjust input volume by using ´+´ and ´-´ keys
- threshold display (gray bar)
- adjust threshold with ´T´ key
upd: international keyboard layout (uniform shortcuts on QWERTZ, QWERTY, AZERTY, ...)
rem: removed confusing solmization option
add: text reflections in themes
add: note lines can be switched off in options
add: mouse support (hardware and software)
add: texture type "Colorized": Texture is colorized by adjusting the hue value (see HSB color model)
add: overlay when pause modus is activated in Sing Screen
fix: some "Screens=2" bugs
add: Unicode support: All "printable" characters should work with the input fields (e.g. players´ names)
add: resizable window
add: toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode with ALT+Return (Linux and FreeBSD only)
fix: mapped same function to Return and Enter (numpad)

upd: synchronization of lyrics, video and audio
(timers were not synchronized until now)
you can be choose via config.ini ("SyncTo" option) between:
- synchronize lyrics and video to audio (default)
- synchronize audio and video to lyrics
- no synchronization
upd: DLL interface replaced by Lua plugin interface
upd: Select Object replaced by Select Slide
upd: improved stability and major code base cleanup
fix: solved some bugs/crashes in Midi/Kar converter
upd: Vista/Win7 conform: configuration files is saved in the user directory. Running USDX from CD/DVD should also be possible from now on.
upd: cover thumbnails are saved in an SQLite database
-> more reliable than the old solution; small performance loss on start

song files
upd: UTF8 support
upd: #Encoding tag
- CP1250: Central/Eastern european encoding
- CP1252: Western european encoding; was used as default before 1.1
- Locale: uses system encoding (should not be used for new files!)
- UTF8: text file is encoded in UTF8 (recommended)
upd: support for UTF8 BOM (new standard in Ultrastar Deluxe)
upd: #Year tag is read and saved
fix: does not crash any longer if there is no linebreak in lyrics file
fix: blank lyrics lines are ignored
fix: editor does not delete unknown tags any longer from song txt files
