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View Full Version : A-Mazing D.S.

May 1st, 2010, 22:57
News/release from Dav09 (http://dsgamemaker.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=4367&sid=2f0c4930bd2ff3f7448587b6206ce026)

I have finally finished my first game for the ds that i made in dsgm(which I upgraded to pro). Its a very basic game just a simple maze where you start off going through a maze but in the end you eventually you will get many flags in one round and if you guess the wrong one, you might go back a round or two or you might not do anything when you touch it or you will go forward, so remember what flag was right, or you will keep going back.

I know its a basic game but at least its a start to using dsgm