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View Full Version : Mass Effect fires new screen barrage

July 31st, 2006, 14:13
BioWare is one of our favourite RPG developers in the world, boasting a long succession of high quality RPG titles which never fail to delight, amaze and innovate. It's Canadian too and full of very nice people as we know from an extensive tour around BioWare's HQ back in the day.

So when BioWare makes a new RPG, the games-playing world is well advised to sit up and take notice, especially when that title is Mass Effect, a new sci-fi offering which had our discerning RPG pundits all of a twitter at this year's E3. Mass Effect sees you cast as Shepard, the only Human Spector - or intergalactic police officer - who discovers a terrible secret which could lead to the massacre of all organic life in the galaxy. Ouch.

'Game of the show' was how one excited CVG staffer described it, after an extensive eyes on with the BioWare crew - and we've little reason to doubt his word.

So we're proud to present a raft of new Mass Effect screens for you to enjoy this morning - and with the Leipzig Games Show imminent, followed by Microsoft's own X06 event out in Barcelona in September, we'll be bringing you a whole heap more on Mass Effect as soon as we can gather it.

In the meantime, enjoy the screens and, if you haven't had a chance to check out the recent extended trailer, simply wobble eyeballs right to see what you've been missing. This is probably the most exciting RPG in development at the moment.

Screens Here (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=143581)