View Full Version : Hacks and hackers to team up at iPad boot camp

May 4th, 2010, 18:32
The media are often a bit last-generation when it comes to next-generation technology.
The first TV shows were often a bloke reading things off bits of paper (i.e. radio) or a single camera pointed at a stage (i.e. theatre), while people got to grips with the medium's potential.
Likewise, the early days of the web saw many sites that looked like (or indeed were) scanned-in print leaflets.
iPad media apps feel a bit similar: some newspapers are going the literal route of making apps that look like... print newspapers. When in fact, a news app is likely to evolve into something far more interactive and, well, next-generation.
That's a long-winded intro to an event called Hacks/Hackers Unite, which takes place in San Francisco on May 21-23. The idea: pair journalists with coders to create "the killer media app for the iPad".

It's a great idea, and one that will hopefully throw up some imaginative prototypes. Judges include representatives from Y Combinator and Current TV.
