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View Full Version : Nick Clegg gets Xbox Live vote

May 5th, 2010, 18:25
Xbox Live gamers have chosen Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats as their front runner for Britain's top job ahead of the general election.

That's according to a poll held on XBL, which saw four hundred thousand people place their vote in the virtual ballot box.

Nick Clegg emerged on top with over 30% of the Xbox 360 LIVE vote. David Cameron and the Conservatives came second scraping 20.7% of the vote and Gordon Brown and the Labour Party were practically nowhere to be seen with a less than encouraging 17.6%.

The remaining 31.3% of Xbox 360 LIVE members are still undecided about the main three parties, which could mean they don't care or they just care too much to make a definite decision.

"Whilst the Xbox 360 LIVE survey is in no way intended to be statistically representative, given the enormous number of votes cast online over the Bank Holiday weekend (416,882 in total), we believe our results provide a telling barometer of political attitudes amongst 18 - 30 year olds nationwide," said director of Xbox & Entertainment at Microsoft, Stephen McGill.

"Being a young, socially and technology aware group who certainly have their fingers on the pulse 24/7, Xbox 360 LIVE members are a vitally important demographic for UK parties. Like everyone else in the UK, we await the outcome of tomorrow's General Election with keen interest."

Maybe we can do a quick last minute poll of our own. Who are you guys hoping to see at Number 10 by tomorrow?
