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View Full Version : Macrovision CDS-200 for DC?

ßüboni¢ $oñic
July 31st, 2006, 23:30
I was readin about some band's cd which had that in t. I wondered if that could be used by indy game makers to keep their games from gettin jacked..?

August 1st, 2006, 02:38
Copy protection, as I'm sure most will agree, is inherently evil, and usually impedes only those who actually bought the product (I personally have never seen a copy protection method keep a cracked version from being released). This particular product installs software onto the computer when it is placed into the CD-ROM drive. Not cool.

This type of protection only works for audio CD's; Anything else requires StarForce or some other data CD protection, which are usually even more invasive.

ßüboni¢ $oñic
August 1st, 2006, 15:42
well its their product and if we cant have protection because you keep stepping on your disks or w/e new age freeware pretext your using, maybe you oughta look at yourself..

August 1st, 2006, 15:50
The problem is, more often than not, copy protection locks out legitimate users, not software pirates. More often than not, copy protection can be easily bypassed by software pirates. The point is, copy protection does not stem the flow of pirated software, and inhibits many legitimate users from using it (try reinstalling legitimate Windows XP too many times, for example; Oops, you've gotta plead your case with Microsoft, who may or may not tell you to go to hell because you're apparently a software pirate. Software pirates have been successfully bypassing the activation feature since the OS was launched).

It's their product, yes, but copy protection won't protect it anyway. It's stupid, it's expensive, it most often installs software onto the computer that can and will spy on your activities and use your resources (Hi, Sony Rootkit! =D), and it usually comes without any acknowledgement from you. No "I'm going to install this software with your program", no "I'm sorry, but I had to install this with your program", no nothing.

I said nothing about stepping on my discs. I said nothing about promoting piracy. What I'm saying is that copy protection does not, by any means, stop piracy, nor even slow it down, so there is no reason at all to use it.

If you support this sort of software being installed silently onto PC's all around the world for the sake of fake security, then maybe you oughta look at yourself..

ßüboni¢ $oñic
August 1st, 2006, 16:14
if i had to choose between a bunch of cheap games or free ones with a dead DC or a DC still supported with high priced new products. You might think your FreeWare Revolution is all cool and justified but it only goes so far until it looses steam. The industry runs on monies not freedoms. Your basically running a race with a car on e. Sure its got some speed left from when you revved it up past a 100mph when it had gas but its gonna come to a stop. dont be so naive.

August 1st, 2006, 16:21
You just don't seem to get anything I say. Am I not using proper English? Do you not speak English? I'm trying to tell you that the copy protection doesn't save software from being pirated. I'm trying to tell you that the people who pirate software get this software anyway. I'm trying to tell you that you're being a complete and total moron despite my best efforts to explain my viewpoints on numerous occasions in this and other threads.

I went through your profile and read the rest of the posts you've done around here, and honestly, I've got to say, what are you, seven years of age? You're immature, inflammatory, and stubborn to the point of asking a question and then accusing everyone of being bullshitters for not giving the answer you wanted to hear, not to mention getting pissed off at the entire forum for not replying to your post in a two-day time frame. News flash: There are PEOPLE on the other end of this forum.

Grow up. Learn to read, learn to understand, and then maybe you'll be a valuable part of a message board somewhere out there, someday. I'm a newbie here, no doubt about that, but at least I try to explain myself and educate myself. You seem so entrenched in your beliefs that you're not willing to do anything but sit down and complain about how your next hairbrained scheme was shot down.

Unless you start to listen to what other people are trying to tell you, and unless you start reading posts instead of going off on a tirade about how someone's a commie ******* for being opposed to copy protection (and backing it up with reasoning), I sincerely hope that the next time you open your mouth around here, you get your ass banned.

ßüboni¢ $oñic
August 1st, 2006, 16:37
did i say you were a commie? Reguardless of whether or not the provisions havent worked I want to know if you oppose any form of protection from the developers.

And who the **** are you to preach to me mr. 17 posts? I request directs answers, if people trail off I tell them to get back to it. Sorry if i hurt your feelings by saying it.

ßüboni¢ $oñic
August 1st, 2006, 16:40
did i say you were a commie? Reguardless of whether or not the provisions havent worked I want to know if you oppose any form of protection from the developers.

And who the **** are you to preach to me mr. 17 posts? I request directs answers, if people trail off I tell them to get back to it. Sorry if i hurt your feelings by saying it.

August 1st, 2006, 16:44
I told you I opposed it, and I told you why. You went on and on about how I'm a freeware revolutionist, and honestly, I don't know what the hell you're talking about half the time. I've tried to explain my position time and time again, but you continue to spew forth nothing but crap.

I may have 19 posts (this included), but post count is not proportionate to maturity, nor does join date limit what I can and can not say to you. Anyone can post 35 posts containing nothing but psychobabble. It's obvious that you still have not bothered to read anything I've said since you brought that up, which further brings in line the fact that most of what you've been doing on this board has been nothing more than psychotic rambling.

Oh, and don't look now, but you double-posted. To the admins and moderators, I'm sorry about this, but something has to give here. This matter will not continue further on the board itself.

ßüboni¢ $oñic
August 1st, 2006, 17:30
im only at 24k if i double posted its because i thought it stalled and pushed it again..

August 1st, 2006, 19:56
After talking to Bubonic over AIM, we've resolved our differences. Hopefully we'll no longer have such misunderstandings as have been made during the course of the past few days.