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View Full Version : Kingdom of Paradise 2 Update

July 31st, 2006, 23:49
News from IGN (http://uk.psp.ign.com/articles/721/721998p1.html)

Sony Computer Entertainment teamed up with Climax last year for Tenchi no Mon, one of the PSP's earliest action RPGs. Now, the two companies are hard at work on a sequel, Tenchi no Mon 2: Busouden.

This sequel takes place on the continent of Sema, which lies far to the west of the original's Ouka continent. In Sema, there exists a great gate called Sema Gate, which rises to the heavens. People use this gate as a means of establishing direction, as it can be seen from anywhere on the continent.

One day, the gate begins to change color, turning red slowly but sure from the ground up. This causes great fear in the people of Sema, as some 300 years back a great disaster in which many lives were lost was preceded by a similar change to the gate.

You play as two characters: Rou, a male warrior, and Shunka, a female sorceress. These two head off to the gate in order to prevent a similar disaster. You're free to switch off between the two characters based on the situation, and can make use of over 200 skill types in battle.

Progression through Tenchi no Mon 2 is different from that of the first. The game is now mission based, with the story advancing as you clear missions that you've taken up from a guild.

There's still quite a bit being kept under wraps for Tenchi no Mon 2, but seeing as how the original made its way over to America under the name Kingdom of Paradise, we'll definitely keep you posted on this sequel. A Japanese release is set for 10/19.

August 1st, 2006, 08:18
YES! Yet another RPG for the PSP - Good stuff!!!

August 1st, 2006, 13:38
YES! Yet another RPG for the PSP - Good stuff!!!

/\ /\ Agreed! :) Still looking for that killer (FFVII) RPG though... :o

Hey Voltron! How come you dont have an avatar?? :confused: (or are you just trying to be mysterious!?) ;)

August 1st, 2006, 17:57
Hey Voltron! How come you dont have an avatar?? :confused: (or are you just trying to be mysterious!?) ;)

Honestly, I just never got around to making one. But I guess after 700+ posts I'll start making one. LOL

August 1st, 2006, 19:44
The first one sucked. Really.

If you want GOOD RPG, there is Valkyrie Profile Lenneth, Breath of Fire III, Tales of Eternia, shortly Crisis Core, Magna Carta, Land Stalker...

I think thats all. Because Legend of Heroes is pretty bad, PoPoLoCrois too "cute", and Astonishia Story too "classic.

August 2nd, 2006, 07:21
^ I thought Kingdom of Paradise was the best rpg game for psp ever! its not like one of those *** 2d bullcrap rpgs that u can just play on your game boy advance its actually good a true psp game lol. havent tried magna carta though

August 2nd, 2006, 18:22
Magna Carta is still Only in Japan...