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View Full Version : Burning Dreamcast Games

July 29th, 2004, 22:41
I'm not asking this for myself, because I'm sure I would be able to complete the simple task of burning a CD.

But a bloke I know has downloaded Marvel vs Capcom 1 and 2, but apparently, they don't work.

He says that his boot CD works, but not the games.

The format of the games were .cdi when he downloaded them, and he's used a cdi2nero converter with no luck, and he's also got them manually after mounting the cdi in Daemon Tools. No luck.

His boot CD works fine, but not the games. He's fully n00b, so if you think you might know what he's done wrong, but then decide not to post because the idea is too stupid, YOU'RE WRONG. This bloke can't even work the ****ing emulator.

I wouldn't even be asking this if he wasn't blackmailing me. I paid him $25 to burn me a cd with some random shit on it, and he's not gonna send me them until his game works. I hate him.

Also, sorry if I've broken the rules here or something, I don't know how strict/non-strict this forum is.

July 29th, 2004, 23:02
tell him to burn slow
you are a terrible liar, stop talking about warez and go buy the games its only $15

July 29th, 2004, 23:56
I don't have a Dreamcast. It does indeed sound like I'm lying, but I want that cd that I paid him for.

He said he will buy the game with my money unless his illegal copy works. I'm an accessory, yay.

Thanks for the suggestion. I bet that's it, aye.

July 30th, 2004, 03:15
...and locked ;D

Please don't ask for any illegal stuff as we absolutly can't tolerate it. I am sure that you can live with it ;)

btw: Dreamcast games cost less than 15$
