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View Full Version : Kirby's Lua Adventure V 0.3 Beta

August 1st, 2006, 21:44
ok dudes,
Second release of my lua game; Kirby's Lua Adventure

its pretty fun for a young version
you can walk, and urm... crouch

oh, and hurt yourself lol

here's a changelog

alpha (0.1) (not public)
main menu, credits page, movement of character (left and right), background, and eboot graphics
0.2 beta
added life bar, added game over alert, added functions page, added R function (self inflict damage)
also added Change-log
0.3 beta
added todo file, updated the credits page, modified the Change-log, fixed Kirby's movement bug, add a rect behind health (as a status bar), added lives, and changed game over alert, added a more graphical lifebar, added crouch(though you cannot get out of it), also included new screenshot within the zip, i also added jumping but you cannot use it yet i have to fix it
grr and i have to fix the walking animation back to how it was

a todo

change button sinsetivity
fix jumping
add floating
fix walking animation again
fix crouching
add opening 'movie'(skipable)
add enemies
add animation
add food
add bosses
add level select stage
add sound
add flying
add sucking
add punching
and take away hurt yourself
add different abilities

possibly a two player type deal? like arena or something

here's a screenshot!

here's a link to my dev thread
i highly recomend that you join this site!

and my alternate one!
I also highly recomend you join this one!

and finally here is my file
and you know by using this that you cannot blame me if anything goes wrong

August 1st, 2006, 22:59
- Walking right no longer flips the images (looks like Kirby is walking backwards). Bug related to Line 12 of game.lua.
- Crouching is not aligned to the ground (looks like he is floating in mid-air)
- The memory leak of continously calling functions/scripts in functions/scripts is still there
- white is created 4 times rather then once. Possible memory leak.

August 1st, 2006, 23:33
dude lol
contact me on aim, i would like your help man, and lol, there are more bugs, such as, innability to get out of 'crouching mode', the controls page still does not show a function for the down arrow key, though there is one

but hey, thats why they are called beta right

aim: thecrait
msn: [email protected]
gmail: [email protected]

August 1st, 2006, 23:49
Actually Beta is the name given for project status that are deemed finished bar final testing so no new features are added.

The controls lua script has no reference to down.
You can get out of crouching by walking left or right.

August 2nd, 2006, 00:05
thats what i meant hotshot

August 2nd, 2006, 00:29
Hey, yaustar is just offering you help, as he's clearly more experienced than you. No need for you to be arrogant about it.

A "beta" is when the project is nearly complete. This is an "alpha", because it's just a proof of concept to show what you intend to do.

Kids are so much fun these days. O_o I actually kinda don't like how popular Lua's gotten. It makes anyone think they can talk like a "m4d haxx0r". Gotta love the internet.

August 2nd, 2006, 00:34
lol, wasnt trying to be arrogant or rude
facial expressions usually help words out, and show how someone is saying it
on the internet you cant do that

or can you?

August 2nd, 2006, 06:24
No, the written form (be it mail or otherwise) is definitely flawed in that you don't have the tone of the person's voice or even their facial expressions. That's why I find it easier to either go the route of emoticons or just write more and elaborate. ^_^; The more you say, the clearer of an image you give to others about what you mean. "That's what I meant, hotshot" comes off as a bit hostile, since the reader is generally aware that "hotshot" is used in a derogatory way to suggest that the other person isn't as good/talented as they think they are. ^^

Of course, other people use other written cues (*laugh*, lol, jk, etc) to show that they're not serious.

So.. in a way, yes, you can express your tone through writing. In fact, most (good) writing courses should show you how to do this. ^_^

Alas, I'm just rambling now.

August 2nd, 2006, 11:21
In regards to the whole dofile() memory leak, imagine this: Whenever dofile(x.lua) is called, it 'copies' the x.lua script to where dofile() was used. If you run through the program by hand, after a while you end up with a huge script that is still getting bigger because of the cyclic dofile() calls.

August 2nd, 2006, 14:19
At present, can we say this game is emo?

August 2nd, 2006, 14:39

i was saying that to someone before i released it hahaha lol

August 2nd, 2006, 16:44
lol, why emo?

August 2nd, 2006, 17:56
Sorry, nothing to say about the game as I havent and probably wont play it.

The thing is I wanted to ask yaustar a question.
You are obviously a very talented programmer/scripter and are highly experienced in both C/C++ and lua. I'm very interested in why you even chose lua :p (note the face formed with characters indicating that the comment was not intentionally hostile to either yaustar or lua programmers :)

Most people on IRC look with contempt at those who speak the words 'lua' and 'programming' in the same breath.

August 2nd, 2006, 18:05
But Of Course, In This Sense, The Word Hotshot Is Used In Such A way To Define Sarcasm. But Out Of Context This Word Would Be A Way Of Basically Telling Someone They Think Theyre Good At Something But They're Not. Anyway, It Looks Good For An ALPHA (Get It Straight Dude). Can't Wait To See Those New Features Added! Keep Up The Effort.

emo? lol why emo?
It Could Be Because Kirby Can 'Hurt Himself'

August 2nd, 2006, 18:14
Nice!!!,keep It Up!!!

August 2nd, 2006, 21:18
Sorry, nothing to say about the game as I havent and probably wont play it.

The thing is I wanted to ask yaustar a question.
You are obviously a very talented programmer/scripter and are highly experienced in both C/C++ and lua. I'm very interested in why you even chose lua :p (note the face formed with characters indicating that the comment was not intentionally hostile to either yaustar or lua programmers :)

Most people on IRC look with contempt at those who speak the words 'lua' and 'programming' in the same breath.
Quite simply because Lua is a scripting language that can be used with C/C++. I wanted to get my head round the language before trying to build the framework for it in C/C++. LuaPlayer just offered me to really use the language without having to worry about the framework. I would like to check out GameMonkey and Python sometime as well. Knowing more languages is always good for a programmer.

August 2nd, 2006, 22:23
Most people on IRC look with contempt at those who speak the words 'lua' and 'programming' in the same breath.

Thats why personally I am just planning on learning lua, get a good feel for programming in general, then move to c/c++

August 4th, 2006, 21:26
ok every one! i made a signiture thing for all my fans, or fan dudes, whatever you want to be called

heres a link
and heres the picture
just put this code in your signiture
with this link inbetween http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c340/the_crait/sig3.jpg

and for the record, i know a lot of coding languages, i know c/c++/hb++ and lua
also easy breazy stuff like html and css