View Full Version : Fresh Phoenix Wright 2 screens

August 2nd, 2006, 14:16
If you've not played Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on DS yet, consider our verdict a life-sentence on your head for being way too slow on the uptake. For those not in the know, Phoenix Wright - or Gyakuten Saiban as it's known in Japan, where the franchise has been going for yonks - is Capcom's take on the point-and-click genre, mixed in with a dollop of lawyer simming.

Thankfully, the company saw fit to launch its first Phoenix Wright title for the DS (actually a remake of the very first GBA Gyakuten Saiban) in Europe last year, to much acclaim. As a reward for our slobbering praise, Capcom is primed and ready to bring its second DS entry, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All, to the West early 2007 and we've got a bunch of new shots from the game for your to examine and slap in your evidence bags.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All follows the path of Capcom's original DS iteration, this time providing a touch-screen makeover for part two of the GBA Gyakuten Saiban series. New editions for the DS sequel include the "Psyche-Lock" feature where you'll have to catch witnesses out with your rapier-like cunning to break down their mental barriers and find the truth. To compliment this, Phoenix Wright now has a health bar-style meter during court scenes, which depletes every time you fail to coerce information from your charges.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All is set to hit the US early next year with, hopefully, a European version to follow. Put it this way, if Nintendo Europe doesn't get its act together, there'll be more than an OBJECTION!!! - it'll be time for a couple of gavel blows to the face.

News and Screens at CVG (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=143761)

August 2nd, 2006, 15:44
Who is in for starting a petition to get that European version released at the same date as the American one (if the American one will be first of course, chances are :P)?

August 2nd, 2006, 18:54
OBJECTION! (http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=138783)

Loved the first English game, can't wait for the second.
Looks like they are DEFINATELY pushing for a U.S. release.
Euro releases take longer due to them having to translate not only to English but to German, Italian, Spanish, and French as well.
Sometimes even MORE languages have to be added.