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View Full Version : A new direction for homebrew console hackers?

May 15th, 2010, 20:47
Heres a very interesting article from Root Labs (http://rdist.root.org/2010/05/11/a-new-direction-for-homebrew-console-hackers/)concerning the future of homebrew and hacking of consoles.

A recent article on game console hacking focused on the Wii and a group of enthusiasts who hack it in order to run Linux or homebrew games. The article is very interesting and delves into the debate about those who hack consoles for fun and others who only care about piracy. The fundamental question behind all this: is there a way to separate the efforts of those two groups, limiting one more than the other?

Michael Steil and Felix Domke, who were mentioned in the article, gave a great talk about Xbox 360 security a few years ago. Michael compared the history of Xbox 360 security to the PS3 and Wii, among other consoles. (Here’s a direct link to the relevant portion of the video). Of all the consoles, only the PS3 was not hacked at the time, although it has since been hacked. Since the PS3 had an officially supported method of booting Linux, there was less reason for the homebrew community to attack it. It was secure from piracy for about 3 years, the longest of any of the modern consoles.

Michael’s claim was that all of the consoles had been hacked to run homebrew games or Linux, but the ultimate result was piracy. This was likely due to the hobbyists having more skill than the pirates, something which has also been the case in smart phones but less so in satellite TV. The case of the PS3 also supports his theory.

Starting back in the 1980′s, there has been a history of software crackers getting jobs designing new protection methods. So what if the homebrew hackers put more effort into protecting their methods from the pirates? There are two approaches they might take: software or hardware protection.

Software protection has been used for exploits before. The original Xbox save game exploit used some interesting obfuscation techniques to limit it to only booting Linux. It stored its payload encrypted in the JPEG header of a penguin image. It didn’t bypass code signature verification completely, it modified the Xbox’s RSA public key to have a trivial factor, which allowed the author to sign his own images with a different private key.

With all this work, it took about 3 months for someone to reverse-engineer it. At that point, the same hole could be used to run pirated games. However, this hack didn’t directly enable piracy because there were already modchip-based methods in use. So, while obfuscation can add some time to pirates getting access to the exploit, it wasn’t much.

Another approach is to embed the exploit in a modchip. These have long been used by pirates to protect their exploits from other pirates. As soon as another group clones an exploit, the price invariably goes down. Depending on the exploitation method and protection skill of the designer, reverse-engineering the modchip can be as hard as developing the exploit independently.

The homebrew community does not release many modchips because of the development cost. But if they did, it’s possible they could reduce the risk of piracy from their exploits. It would be interesting to see a homebrew-only modchip, where games were signed by a key that certified they were independently developed and not just a copy of a commercial game. The modchip could even be a platform for limiting exploitation of new holes that were only used for piracy. In effect, the homebrew hackers would be setting up their own parallel system of control to enforce their own code of ethics.

Software and hardware protection could slow down pirates acquiring exploits. However, the approach that has already proven effective is to limit the attention of the homebrew hackers by giving them limited access to the hardware. Game console vendors should take into account the dynamics of homebrew hackers versus the pirates in order to protect their platform’s revenue.

But what can you also do about it, homebrew hackers? Can you design a survivable system for keeping your favorite console safe from piracy while enabling homebrew? Enforce a code of ethics within your group via technical measures? If anyone can make this happen, you can.

May 15th, 2010, 21:19
if there was an official psp homebrew runner by sony everyone would purchase a psp, and sony could have it locked out so much it would be impossible to run anything they don't want it to.

first! :P

May 15th, 2010, 22:43
Ah very good read, i love articles like this.

Mr. Shizzy
May 16th, 2010, 10:42
Sadly, I just don't see any of the "big three" console manufacturers allowing homebrew anytime soon. :(

Especially SONY. They teased us with being able to run homebrew on PS3 with Other OS, and then took it away from us. :mad: I now have to choose between Linux or Online capabilities ?? What the hell kind of crap is that?

I bought a PS3 under the impression that it would be capable of both in the long term.. :/

I feel violated :eek: lol

May 16th, 2010, 11:32
I don't know why at least they could allow the running of old computer emulators on these consoles, would be nice to be able to boot up my old speccy or atari st on ps3 xmb lol :)

May 16th, 2010, 16:55
wtf... bunny hacked the xbox first in hardware.
Without that hack the software hacks could not have been discovered.

If this is loosely attempting to describe the situation Geohot finds himself in then the article should be more direct.

Geohot cannot release an exploit without it eventually leading to piracy.
And I am sure he wont take the Dark Alex approach to protecting his work.