View Full Version : Wii software pricing will be "broadly in line" with current-gen - Nintendo

August 2nd, 2006, 14:38
A spokesperson for Nintendo UK has confirmed to GamesIndustry.biz that the price of software for the next-gen Wii console will be "broadly in line" with the cost of current-gen games.

The confirmation follows a suggestion by Electronic Arts that Nintendo's first-party titles will go on sale for US$49.99. That would put games like Super Mario Galaxy on store shelves for US$10 less than their first-party Xbox 360 equivalents.

Clarification of the comments was not immediately available, but a Nintendo UK spokesperson pointed out that the company made similar remarks at E3.

Indeed, as early as March, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata told CNN Money: "I cannot imagine any first party title could be priced for more than $50."

However, Iwata added that Nintendo will have no control over how other publishers price their Wii games.

August 2nd, 2006, 14:40
That is great to see that one of the gaming gods doesnt want to take our last penny. Thanks nintendo for keeping it real.