View Full Version : Music PRX 5:50 GEN-D3

May 17th, 2010, 22:10
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&id=39330&view_reply=1

Modified version of the Music PRX, plugin that allows us to hear our songs stored on the Memory Stick or UMD all games up for the occasion executable suitable for use on the new custom firmware revision Jan upto 5:50 D3.
The controls are the same as the classic version, is installed as a normal prx and weighs a few kb, also worth remembering that among the functions is also a convenient shortcut to toggle the audio of the game running, so to hear the songs without the sound effects even at high volume.
To follow the link to download.



SELECT + square: Shows the menu

SELECT + Circle: reset all settings

SELECT + triangle increases the CPU clock

SELECT + cross: it decreases the CPU clock

SELECT + to: raise the volume

SELECT + Down: Volume Down

SELECT + Left / Right: changes track

SELECT + home: turn off the audio of the game running

SELECT + start: Enable the repetition

SELECT + L: pause / resume playback

SELECT + R toggles shuffle