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View Full Version : The Top 10 Games by Ranking

August 2nd, 2006, 14:46
Interested to see what the top 10 games are, well here they are and what surprises based on review figures:

1 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64, Nintendo, 97.8 avg. review)

2 - Soul Calibur (DC, Namco, 96.4 avg. review)
3 - Metroid Prime (GC, Nintendo, 96.3 avg. review)
4 - Tekken 3 (PSX, Namco, 96.3 avg. review)
5 - GoldenEye 007 (N64, Nintendo, 96.0 avg. review)
6 - Resident Evil 4 (GC, Capcom, 95.9 avg. review)
7 - Super Mario 64 (N64, Nintendo, 95.8 avg. review)
8 - Halo: Combat Evolved (Xbox, Microsoft Game Studios, 95.7 avg. review)
9 - Resident Evil 4 (PS2, Capcom, 95.7 avg. review)
10 - Half-Life 2 (PC, VU Games, 95.6 avg. review)

Agree or Disagree, let us know

August 2nd, 2006, 14:51
wow, lots of Nintendo games up their. Im suprised not many PS2 games are their. Cant say i disagree though. Their choices all seem pretty accurate to me. I would have added Metal Gear Solid. But thats just me.

August 2nd, 2006, 15:01
I'm surprised one of the GTA's isn't in there.

August 2nd, 2006, 15:03
I agree with a lot of those. I played OOT on my GC recently and it was a much richer experience than I remembered from the first time on N64. I guess it's because I got over some bias about 3D games and I've had practice with them over the past seven years.

I still think SNES Final Fantasy III (or VI officially) and Zelda: A Link to the Past should also be on there. Do we really need RE4 on twice? Great game, but come on. :p

August 2nd, 2006, 15:04
Seems very acurate who made the list.

August 2nd, 2006, 15:32
great list but the snes zelda should on been on it

August 2nd, 2006, 15:41
wheres metal gear !!!!!!!!

seems like theyre forgetting the older games...

zeon x
August 2nd, 2006, 15:44
Seems accurate to me. I dont like all the games there but they are great.

I agree SNES Zelda should be there, and personaly i prefer Marion World on the SNES than Mario 64.

All this should give us an indication how well the Wii will do. If it can run all the Nintendo games on this list. It doesnt need to convince me to buy it though. I would get it for the new Zelda alone. I did with the gameboy advanced, N64, and GC. The other great games i had on those systems were just a bonus.

August 2nd, 2006, 15:45
Chrono trigger should have def. been on there or at least FFVII.

August 2nd, 2006, 15:47
I disagree on most of the titles...

Tekken3, Re4 appearing twice!Halo X_x

And Super Mario 64, ffs there are better platforming nowadays..

I would include Panzer Dragoon Saga, Final Fantasy 7, Nights, Mgs (any of the 3), Ioc, Shadow of Colossus, God of War, and of course (or it wouldn't be me) Silent Hill.

But Tekken 3?!?!

August 2nd, 2006, 15:47
That list is from GameRankings.com (http://gamerankings.com). It averages the ratings from every popular magazine and website. This is just about the best site you can trust on the web for game ratings. And yes, GTA and Metal Gear used to be on the top 10 until Resident Evil 4 (both GC and PS2 editions) came along and shot them down errr... took their places :P

August 2nd, 2006, 16:02
I'm surprised one of the GTA's isn't in there.

Not me. My bet is most of the review averages were based on kids votes. And don't get me wrong, I'm 34 and love to just drive around killing everything and everyone in GTA when I have a moment. I however will not let my kids play any of the GTA series much less most FPS games either. They really are just too violent and I want to make sure my kids understand the difference first so they make solid choices in real life. so they would have been voting for most of whats in that list as well.

great list but the snes zelda should on been on it

Again I'm assuming those review averages were kids voting probably ranging from 6 to 16 years old for the most part. Many of them probably have never played a SNES game before or some even don't know what SNES is. Luckily I have taught my two youngsters the difference. Heck my 10 year old still sits down to the DC and pops in one of the various emulation Cd's I have made. :)

I must say it's no surprise to me that not one PSP game made the list. Makes me even more glad to know when I bought my PSP I did so based on it's homebrew/emulation ability. I personally feel all the games being made directly for this device stink. For instance GTA:LCS, not a bad game, but way more fun on the PC or console. Other then that I have not touched all the PSP games, but I have played many and not one of them made me go "I gotta have it!". Sad really.

Maybe E3 becoming smaller will allow some of those game companies to get back to the most important element that's been missing, being fun. I'd rather play games with "not so great graphics" or "less then wonderful music" as long as the game itself is a joy to play.

August 2nd, 2006, 16:02
GoldenEye 007, Resident Evil 4, Super Mario 64 and Half-Life 2 (PC) are all games that deserve to be up there. I pretty much agree with the list. :)

...but I'd probably include Mario Kart (snes) , the GTA series and super street fighter 2 turbo x (dreamcast).

Resi Evil 4 is (still) just amazing on the GC. :)

August 2nd, 2006, 16:22
Not me. My bet is most of the review averages were based on kids votes.

Nope. These averages are based on press reviews buddy. Go to www.gamerankings.com and check 'em out; it's the only site you'll ever need to go to to see whether a game is worth buying or not I've been going there for years, so this top list is no stranger to me I've seen it change throughout the times.

I definitely agree with Zelda being at #1, there's no question about it. As for the others I'm not really a "hardcore" game player so I'm not too familiar with some of the older titles and ones on systems that I don't own (i.e. Gamecube). Goldeneye and Mario64 were great games to, as is Half-Life. Halo is a great game, but dare I say, over-rated. I'm also a little dissapointed not to see any of the FF playstation games on there (VII, VIII, and IX). You can't get much better than those, really (except Zelda). Banjo Kazooie was also very memorable, maybe not enough to make it on the top 10 but close. And yes, I think Vice City or San Andreas should be on there somewhere as well (they're pretty close; San andreas comes in at #13, Vice City at #19)

August 2nd, 2006, 17:10
Hey, where is Shenmue? :mad:

August 2nd, 2006, 17:14
wheres metal gear !!!!!!!!

seems like theyre forgetting the older games...
true, wheres metal gear.
and, yay metroid is in third :D

August 2nd, 2006, 17:30
;) i have made loadsa posts about all the best games of all time and i have always said Zelda - ocarina of time was the best and always will be unless twighlight princess impresses me further

August 2nd, 2006, 17:34
oh, and i agree with the list completely:D

August 2nd, 2006, 18:03
Where is the FF there???

I haven't played Zelda, but nothing compares to a good weekend with the PS, FFVII and some snacks :)

August 2nd, 2006, 18:12
Where is the FF there???

I haven't played Zelda, but nothing compares to a good weekend with the PS, FFVII and some snacks :)
If you havent played, and beaten, Ocarina of Time then you dont deserve to hold a controller!

Every FF is nothing but a bloody turd when compared to the holy glory of OoT...

August 2nd, 2006, 18:12
Halo - OVERATED - shouldn't be in there ,
God of War - Fantastic Game - should be in there ,
Resi 4 - The PS2 version is better than the Cube version and should be higher

August 2nd, 2006, 18:21
Ilove Final fantasy. i really do. But theres just something about Zelda that makes it all the better. And most games up their REVOLUTIONIZED the gaming industry. Yes Panzar Dragoon was good and Yes Final Fantasy 7 is great. But did they really revolutionized the industry? Mario 64 made 3D gaming GREAT. Ocarina of Time setthe bar at higer levels. Golden Eye set the standerd for FPS. as did Soul Caliber for weapon based 3D fighters. Resident Evil 4 was a re-birth for a dwindeling franchise and proved just how much Power the Game Cube had. I agree that the mother of Espionage Metal Gear should have been up their. Not PS2 resident Evil. But, for most case, the games that were mentioned were great. I dont agree with Tekken, but Ive never really played it that much.

August 2nd, 2006, 18:29
Halo - OVERATED - shouldn't be in there ,
God of War - Fantastic Game - should be in there ,
Resi 4 - The PS2 version is better than the Cube version and should be higher
Youre an idiot...

Halo - Is NOT overated....no other game in history can touch Halo when it comes to the total package. I have a FF fanboy friend who thought no game could touch FF when it came to presentation, sound, story, etc. but he changed his mind after playing Halo.:cool:

God of War - Average at best. Both Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry are better action games.

RE4 - The GCN version is vastly superior to the PS2 version in every way.

Youre obviously a Sony whore....

August 2nd, 2006, 18:37
I dont like any type of biased people especially fanboys but I believe that Zelda is the best game ever I think anyone who had an N64 knows what im talking about.

August 2nd, 2006, 19:06
I agree with this list. OOT has always been my favorite game of all time. Ive beaten OOT like 20 times. The PS2 resident evil is better in my opinion because Its basically the same with more added in(ive played both).

August 2nd, 2006, 19:14
agree with most, would have liked to see Diddy Kong Racing or Mario Kart though

August 2nd, 2006, 19:19
AGREE.I have played all the top and i must agree

August 2nd, 2006, 19:43
cool, i got 5 of those games.

August 2nd, 2006, 20:22
strange all the entrys are very simple games, very quick play games(mostly) very conformist...

shame that "new age" games such as ICO and Metal Gear Solid , games with substance(hmmm...) and philosophy, Killer 7 is incredible and should be there...

oh and halo is very overated, hsant anyone played the earlier red faction, halo basically cloned it with genetic enginering!

August 2nd, 2006, 21:26
When I read the list I knew that there would be a few people who would comment on "How shit Halo is" and "Its overrated" well I dont think you would be saying that if it was on the ps2. Greatest multiplayer-experience ever and some great storyline for an FPS. Also GO ZELDA that game was the greatest.

August 2nd, 2006, 21:34
actually ive completed it three times, and played online for atleast a month, i gave it away to save someone the pain of spending money on the crap
its too easy, stupid shield system, you cant even die

August 3rd, 2006, 04:05
Nothing can really compare to oot. And halo is far from overrated. It was a launch title and was amazing. And halo 2 introduced online gaming to probaly millions. I was surprised over tekken and metroid prime. And I dont know how fair it is to have RE4 on their twice. And I prefered the gamecube version due to controls.

August 3rd, 2006, 13:31
I agree with the list, but they should broken the list down by top 10 or 3 for each system

August 3rd, 2006, 14:37
Nothing can really compare to oot. And halo is far from overrated. It was a launch title and was amazing. And halo 2 introduced online gaming to probaly millions. I was surprised over tekken and metroid prime. And I dont know how fair it is to have RE4 on their twice. And I prefered the gamecube version due to controls.
The Metroid Prime proved many things on its released. Firstly, with the right idea and poerfect execution an old 2D favorite CAN find new life in the 3D world. Many fans were crying for blood when they announced Metroid 3D (later called Prime). Not suprisingly. With exception to Zelda and Mario, old favorites like Castlevania and Megaman really struggled to find a foothold in the 3D world. Metroid hadnt seen a sequel since the SNES days and to announce a prequel in a 3D world....well one worried. Theyw ere proven all wrong of course. Not only that the game is full of so much detail (fog on the visor) and so many secrets and the atmosphere and stroy really gave you a sense that you were there. And if you got the really good ending (multiple ending being a staple of the Metroid Franchise) you got to see that this little gem was only the begining of an epic that will contiune in Metroid Prime: Echoes and end with the Wii's Metroid Prime: Corruption. Castlevania should do what they did with Symphony of the Night. Theyc opied Metroids formula for that game to bring new life in the Castlevania franchise. They should copy Metroids formula again to bring us a really good and engaging Castlevania 3D game.