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View Full Version : Dreamcast Help & ConsoleVision.com Are Merging

August 2nd, 2006, 19:40
Parts of fackue's Dreamcast Help (http://consolevision.com/members/dchelp/) site (not DCHelp (http://www.DCHelp.net/)!) were merged into the Dreamcast section at ConsoleVision.com (http://www.consolevision.com/?Dreamcast):

All the tutorial's been merged into Consolevision.

It's been a long ride since this site has started. When I first started this website (anyone remember http://go.to/fackue) back in early 2002 my idea was to fill in the shoes of DCfun. The idea was somehow lost somewhere until now. I'm leaving all the internet releate material here, which is where it should be. I think I was known for the "free internet guy" for quite awhile - I kinda like the label so hopefully I can gain it back. Everything else will be at Consolevision.

The forums are going to be changed as well though there's now the Consolevision forum for that.

Anyhow, this site now hosts my programs and internet material and that's it.

Source: Dreamcast Help (http://consolevision.com/members/dchelp/)

August 2nd, 2006, 19:42
yeah it makes sences

August 3rd, 2006, 10:06
I take Note. It's a decission. I do agree