View Full Version : Bomberman: Act Zero

August 2nd, 2006, 22:53
New commercial release for Xbox360:

Bomberman: Act Zero reinvents the series new, switching the super-deformed bomb dropper with supersonic, cybernetic warriors and by intoducing new gameplay modes (including a "First Person Bomber" mode set up somewhat like an FPS Deathmatch bout). The game features a new storyling and dark themes, set in a post-apocalyptic world where cyborgs are pitted against cyborgs in a duel to the death. Your "Bomberman" is equipped with armored battle suits and you have to fight for survival through the single player game's 99 levels or go head-to-head online with up to eight players in multiplayer matches.


Pushed back several times, Bomberman: Act Zero for Xbox360™ is finally in stock today, available at a low budget price tag of US$ 34.90 only.

More info / buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-2pz-71-br-49-en-84-j-70-19km.html

August 2nd, 2006, 23:13
huh? it is not the true Bomberman :S

August 2nd, 2006, 23:18
modern bomberman?
what happend with the old japanese bomberman character?
first, they were people in colored heavysuits, then, there funny machines, now high tech machine(cyborg?)
oh well.
i just saw the images, it sucks.they ruined my favorite game

August 2nd, 2006, 23:58
If the 360 ends up failing, this game will epitomize all that went wrong with the system.

The 360 is so savagely targeted toward hardcore gamers (mostly male, mostly in their teens and twenties) that not even good ol' loveable Bomberman is allowed to be himself. Oh no. If you make Bomberman for the 360, you have to replace the Bomberman character we've known for 20+ years with some lame generic cyborg. Then you have to remove all color from the game and make the setting some dark, post-apoctalyptic land of doom, or something.

Not only that, but since the XBox and XBox 360 game libraries are so ridiculously reliant on FPSes, we have to add an FPS mode to Bomberman, which sounds like little more than Quake in a maze. Yippee!

I love the Bomberman games, so I hope deep down the gameplay of Act Zero is fun. But c'mon! Do all the 360 games need to be "hardcore-ized" and stipped of everything bright and cheery or it won't sell?

One of the great charms of classic Bomberman is that it offered a candy-colored mazes, cheery music, and cartoony characters, all while everyone tried to blow the living f**k out of each other. The contrast between the appealing visuals and the inherently violent gameplay was all part of what made it unique.

Apparently, developers think this level of nuance is lost on the typical neanderthalic XBox gamer, who just wants to shoot stuff and blow sh*t up in a dark, eerie world of some sort. That's a shame, because as 360 developers bend over backwards to make their games appeal to just one type of gamer, the 360 library becomes ridiculously one-dimensional. It's quickly becoming a running joke.

I suppose if they ever make Spy vs. Spy for the 360, they'll have to replace the spies with rival mafia hitman, trying to lay traps for each other using molotov cocktails, in a gritty urban environment, as they fight off hordes of undead zombies. Because if they didn't make those changes, you know it'd never sell.

August 3rd, 2006, 00:06
i still want my japanese characters >_<'

August 3rd, 2006, 16:52
I still say Saturn Bomberman on Xbox live would rock!

Imagine 10 player mode! :D

August 3rd, 2006, 18:57
Just wrong in many ways, I think I'll stick to emulating the old Bomberman & Super Bomberman versions, hell even the ones with animals to ride were better than this new one looks like it'll be.

August 4th, 2006, 00:43
it didn t even look that good for a 360 games...:(

but i m sure u can unlock the old bomberman...:)