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View Full Version : IR Shell to boot 1.0 firmware eboots

August 4th, 2006, 06:40
I have checked everywere and no one could seem to help me with this problem. Alright I have the custom firmware installed on my PSP, and I converted all my old 1.5 eboots into 1.0 eboots because they are more organized and I don't have to worry about pesky corrupted data icons any more. Now my problem is, is there any way for me to boot 1.0 eboots made for firmware 1.0 on IR shell I have had no luck witht his and I don't understand why seeming 1.0 eboots should be more or less universal. So if someone could help me with this problem I would appreciate it a lot.

August 4th, 2006, 06:47
One of the features of custom firmware is hidding curropt icons so it doesn't matter. I would just keep the 1.5 eboots.

August 4th, 2006, 06:51
ask ahman him self at irshell.com

August 4th, 2006, 06:54
Thx but to be honest 100% of the reason why I did the 1.0 eboots, is just because its so much easier to customize the eboots, and its easier to transfer them via ir shell with my friends, and in my computer the files are much more orgonized for navigation. So I was just really schocked on how the creator of IR Shell would not allow 1.0 eboots to be booted.

August 4th, 2006, 07:59
yeah I was just discussing the same problem with my friend we should definitly try to contact ahman about this, maybe somebody could make a module to address this

August 4th, 2006, 08:10
Ya that seems like our best bet but I was over at IR shell forums and many people are complaining about the same thing so I think ahman is very well aware of the problem. Or at least I hope =S

August 7th, 2006, 15:10
A good idea would have been for iRShell to check the PSP version number, to decide what eboots would be allowed, but now that would be pointless (lots of people have different version numbers now, some with even the 13.37 version no. :D) So I suppose a little option in the configurator wouldn't go a miss...

Similar to PSP Brew's "1.0 compatibility mode" option. Obviously in iRShell then all eboots would have to be either whole, or KXploited. Both would cause confusion to the app. I would also like to see iRShell supporting all the different forms of KXploit, including the now popular %__SCE__APPlic and __SCE__APPlic ones, where the % is at the front instead of the end of folders, as iRShell lists in the app list basically all folders with a % at the end, but launches the app in the folder without a %. A 1.0 compatibility mode would be a great relief - looking forward to it.