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View Full Version : PlayStation 3 - A Losing Battle for Sony?

August 4th, 2006, 14:34
SPOnG’s just noticed an interesting feature in today’s Technology Guardian, detailing the recent post-E3 PR turmoil surrounding Sony and its forthcoming next gen console/Super Computer, the PlayStation 3.

The piece is interesting for a number of reasons, mainly because it is perhaps the first national newspaper to offer a well-written, reasoned account of Sony’s recent (mis)fortunes.

The Guardian’s well-respected technology editor Jack Schofield poses and attempts to answer the straightforward question, on pretty much every games industry exec and developer’s mind right now: “Is Sony fighting a losing battle?”

Schofield strangely paints Sony’s showing at E3 as a successful high point, from which it’s been “...downhill from there...” This is perhaps the only point in the article SPOnG disagrees with, with it being pretty much universally agreed that, in PR-terms, Sony ‘lost’ E3, with Nintendo coming out of the show as clear winners with Wii, and Microsoft running a close second with a far more robust games line-up for its 360 over the coming Christmas holiday season.

The Guardian rounds up the various issues that have caused Sony setbacks in recent times, highlighting a number of salient points - the backlash against the Killzone demo (widely believed to be a fake); development issues with the Cell processor; the perceived value of Blu-ray to the mass market and, most clearly of all, the initial whopping great cost of the console.

Schofield offers a perceptive overview of the situation which, in his opinion is this: “Rather than dampening down the overheated online arguments about all these issues, Sony's staff have tended to feed the flames, appearing remote or even arrogant. For example, Kaz Hirai, president and chief executive of Sony Computer Entertainment America, recently told PlayStation Magazine: "Every time we go down a path, we look behind and [Microsoft is] right there - we just can't shake these guys. I wish that they would come up with some strategies of their own, but they seem to be going down the path of everything we do."

He continues: “It's a remark that Hirai might have got away with in an earlier age, but it was instantly dismembered online. Microsoft was first to put a hard drive in a console, and pioneered with its Xbox Live community building (or both Microsoft and Sony are following the Sega Dreamcast). Microsoft was first to do a global console launch, which Sony is emulating. Microsoft offered two versions of its Xbox 360 console - which Sony said was a bad idea - but there will be two versions of the PS3, and so on.”

August 4th, 2006, 15:05
ps2 had a hard drive first, if you knew what to do.
was also online before microsofts console with tony hawk pro skater..

to me its like the industry finally caught up with the dreamcast. sega should re release it it could win the next gen war...

August 4th, 2006, 19:24
I agree with what accordian boy said.
But Sega winning the war...well that is a little hard.
Its like I say if people bought the PS2 for 475 euros back then, who's keeping the people from buying the PS3 for more 25 euros or 125 euros?
Sony can win if the next gen disc is Blue-Ray, if the movies come out as Blue-ray discs Sony can win for sure just like the PS2 won with the DVD player.

August 4th, 2006, 19:47
I wouldnt count sega out just yet there has been rumors that they are planning a console release for 2008. But thats just rumors, I hope its true though.

As for Sony I think they are fighting a losing battle but that doesnt mean that they wont win the war. Sony has alrady put so much money into the ps3 to give up on it. I personally am going to go with the 360 and honestly if microsoft came out with a hand held that has homebres support (wether it was intended or not) i would sell my psp for one in an instant.

August 4th, 2006, 19:49
i was kidding about sega re-entering the console market,it is a shame though, the dreamcast was so ahead of its time, and only now are we seeing the same ideas being used.

August 4th, 2006, 20:02
i was kidding about sega re-entering the console market,it is a shame though, the dreamcast was so ahead of its time, and only now are we seeing the same ideas being used.

But seriously I believe that Sega will one day join the console war again (so do numerous others, just check out the sega.com forums), I think They are just waiting for the right time to do it. I am just sad that i didnt get my hands on a used DC when they were like $20 used at used game stores. Now you can only buy them online.

August 4th, 2006, 20:06
would be good
h0wever sega did vow never to enter the console market ever again, though after a long time away the old motto would be very apt
to get this good takes AGES....SEGAAAAAAAA!